superhero midterm

One of the main arguments made for genre cinemas of all kinds is that they respond to the needs, fears and desires of society.  Select a film from this list:
Black Panther 2018
Wonder Woman 2017
The Hulk 2003
Thor 2011
Captain America: The First Avenger 2011
and elaborate upon its historical context.  How is the superhero film reflective of society at the time the film was made?  How is the film productive in terms of meaning?  In other words, how does it frame and attempt to explain the concerns that people had when the film was initially released? How does the superhero film attempt to symbolically address the political and social issues of society at the time of the films release?
Please indicate through either a cover page or a header which question you are going to answer. Please support your opinions with specific examples from the film. You may compare and contrast two superhero films (but no more than two) if you would like. If you compare two films, you must explain, in your thesis and in the body of your essay a rationale for the comparison. Why does contrasting two films or two heroes shed light upon the meaning of both?

In addition, one must refer to at least one reading, a product of your own research, and utilize it to support your views.  Internet sources are not acceptable for usage unless they are from academic journals or institutions or well known reputable sites. Blogs, fan and social media sites should be avoided for the purposes of this assignment. If you are unsure about whether a source is an acceptable one or not, please email the instructor.

Please support your opinions with specific examples from the film. In other words, be specific! In your response, please refer directly to the textbooks or to academic sources found through your own research.