Supervision in the workplace

Assignment Overview & Instructions:
This assignment begins with the literature review you completed earlier in the semester. Since you have already conducted scholarly research on two variables as they relate to leadership (ie. personality, age or gender), you will now:
Write a comparative analysis from what you learned in answering your research questions. Explore how the three variables of age, personality and gender influence your personal leadership style. Reflect and assess how to improve your leadership using the assigned video as a reference. Three Required Sections: Comparative Analysis You will use a critical eye to evaluate and draw conclusions about which of the two variables is a stronger predictor of leadership style and why, using arguments presented in your articles (primarily) and illustrations from your own work experience (secondarily). This will require you to compare and contrast what you learned about how your two variables influence leadership.
You will also discuss how your understanding of leadership changed when you consider the main points of each article. This section requires citation within the body of your text of the references you used. Personal Leadership Style In what ways do you see your own leadership style influenced by each of these three variables: your personality, your age and your gender?
Discuss each of the following three categories as they relate to yourself: leadership skills, leadership qualities and leadership behaviors. For each of these categories, identify and discuss which competencies within each category that you would like to develop and/or reinforce in yourself (e.g., compassion is one leadership 2 quality listed. State why you selected these specific factors and how you would demonstrate these in practical ways in your environment.

Format: Your paper will include subheadings for each of the three required sections listed above. The length of your paper should be 2000-3000 words, excluding the title page and reference page. Use the mechanics of good writing (spelling, grammar, headings, etc.) and APA format (12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced, 1-inch margins on all sides, indenting five spaces for each new paragraph with no extra line spaces between paragraphs). Your reference page will list your three sources (the two articles and your textbook). For formatting help, refer to the APA format resource located in the D2L module called Literature Review and Research Paper Resources.