Supply chain management

You have to write a journal on Apple with requirements below. It should be about 1200 to 1300 words. 
The analysis is based on the specific company supply chain stage presented during the first
summative assessment or the same supply chain stage of another company in the same industry
sector used in summative 1; individual research plus the utilisation of approaches to supply chain
analysis covered so far in the module assessment.
You should write an analysis from the perspective of the performance of the specific
supply chain stage of the organisations supply chain you presented in Summative 1 or the
same supply chain stage of another company in the same industry sector used in
summative 1. You will reflect on both the perceived internal performance and the
externally perceived performance of the organisations supply chain stage over a
particular period of time
Measures and methods utilised by the organisation you might consider analysing could
be associated with Quality (delivered performance), Time (speed), Flexibility (agility)
and Cost (inventories). Therefore parameters that might be considered could include
supply chain performance measures parameters previously described within the module
or independently researched. N.B Sustainability related measures cannot be included
within this analysis.
An indicative structure for the performance analysis might be:
i. Introduction: circa 300 words
The organisation, supply chain stage and time period that was analysed
ii. How is the performance of this segment of the organisations supply chain perceived by
internal and external stakeholders?
Draw on secondary or primary evidence from internal and external stakeholders with regards to the
performance of the supply chain stage under study. Reference available measures for a particular time
period, such as those suggested above or alternatives you have researched. Cite sources using the
Universitys author/date protocol. Circa 500 words
iii. Performance Measures
The internal and external performance measures you have utilised in your analysis, their strengths and
weaknesses and the insights they can provide. They can be drawn from those presented in the module or individually researched. N.B Sustainability related measures cannot be included within this
analysis . Circa 400 words