Supply chain management

Please read the whole assessment, it will be helpful to understand what you need to do. Also this assessment is on Apple that I had done in the previous assessment. Its a follow up Improvement Appraisal plan. 

Summative Assessment 3 Improvement Appraisal (Individually assessed)
Appraisal of a supply chain issue and a plan for implementing a collaborative and/or risk reducing
40% TMM (individual submission)
The full written appraisal (2500 words maximum)
The appraisal is based on the specific supply chain stage of the focal firm you identified during the
previous summative assessment.
For this assessment you will demonstrate that you can apply the appropriate knowledge (concepts,
methods and tools introduced and explored in the lectures and seminars) through research and
analytical evaluation. Where appropriate you are expected to use relevant and credible sources
based both on key readings on the module as well as from your individual research
The aim of the Improvement Appraisal is to provide an overview of the overall supply-chain of the
company and the particular segment you are focusing on. Next, to identify specific issues or areas
that are impacting the current operational performance (the base option). Within this section you
should leverage theory that you have covered within the course, for instance looking at common
supply chain performance parameters. N.B Sustainability related issues cannot be included within
this appraisal
Next, suggest a solution (the proposed option) that leverages collaboration with stakeholders and/or
increases the resilience of the operation through the mitigation of a risk. Summarise the expected
benefits associated with the change (including those arising from collaboration and/or risk
Next make the case for change by undertaking an Options Appraisal for the above two options using
the Value Indexing method.
Next make support the business case for change by answering the question how long is the change
is likely to take and how much it will likely cost
Finally create a Risk Register related to the proposed change case
You are also free to conduct primary research in order to help you identify business issues, though
you must follow the universitys research guidelines including tutor sign off.
Please bear in mind that the assessment is the development of an appraisal that can
be presented in the format of a Plan, but NOT as an essay, NOR as a report.
A plan is forward thinking and is basically a focused on the near future: as such, a Plan cannot have a
Conclusion – only once the plan starts to be implemented can we monitor and assess, draw
conclusions and restructure the plan or proceed to further developments. Therefore, you may
include Final/Concluding remarks, but not a real conclusion
An Indicative Structure for the Appraisal
Context of the Supply Chain and the Supply Chain Segment to be improved.
Analyse the key success factors for implementing strategic supply chain management for your
chosen corporation.
Analysis of Supply chain issue to be addressed (you can apply Fishbone or situation analysis, etc.)
(This cannot be a sustainability issue) (The base option).
The proposed change that enhances collaboration and /or mitigates a risk. Summary of expected
collaboration benefits or risk mitigation arising from the project (the proposed option)
Option appraisal (value index) ( which option could add most value)
Resource Plan: (How long it will take and how much it will cost)
Risk Register (for proposed business case)
References (at least 10 references)