Synopsis of Two Articles

The following seven readings from the HBR course pack titled Managing Yourself are included in Module 2:

1. Management Time: Who’s Got the Monkey?

2. Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time 

3. Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life

4. Reclaim Your Job

5. Moments of Greatness: Entering the Fundamental State of Leadership

6. What to Ask the Person in the Mirror

7. Primal Leadership: The Hidden Driver of Great Performance

I encourage you to read all seven of the articles as I believe they support your understanding of some of the issues that face you now and highlight things you are likely to encounter as you progress in your career (What to Ask the Person in the Mirror is aimed at senior leaders but will give you insight into the issues that your executives face). 

For this assignment, you will review any two (2) of the seven articles listed above. Select the ones that are of most interest to you. 

Each article synopsis should be 1 to 2 pages, double-spaced with 1 margins. Your papers should include the following sections. Use headings to separate sections following the title/author. Your heading can be a variation of those shown below but should clearly tell me what you are writing about.

Article Title / Author

Why I chose this article (this is your opening paragraph)

Article key points a synopsis

My key take-aways / what I learned

How I will apply this insight to my job and career (today or in the future)

If Could Ask the Author(s) ONE thing it would be 

Why I would (or would not) recommend this article to a colleague (this is your closing paragraph)

Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Consider asking someone else to proof-read your paper before you submit it.