1. Reset which resets C to 0.
2. 4-bit signed inputs, A and B
3. 5-bit registered signed output C
4. 4 op-codes
a) add
b) sub
c) bitwise invert input A
d) reduction OR input B
5. Assume the following encoding of the opcodes.
Opcode Encoding
add 2b00
sub 2b01
bitwise invert input A 2b10
reduction OR input B 2b11
You must use VCS and your testbench must be self checking. Cut and paste the transcript window into your HW submission.
1. Test plan for ALU
2. Code for ALU testbench
3. Copy of transcript on terminal window after running VCS
4. Waveforms as observed using DVE.
This testbench code and test plan fro ALU should be done using EDAPLAYGROUND.com with all the //comments in the code neatly explained why the step or code is there and the ALU_4_BIT.V file is provide to use the design code of the ALU in the EDAPLAYGROUND. Use the ALU design and write a code according to the designed ALU. THE ALU BIT FILE can be opened in the EDAPLAYGROUND.COM itself.