Parent/Family Video Analysis Write an analysis paragraph for each part #4, #5, & #6. Three paragraphs in total   4. Views on family involvement (SEE ATTACHED- Hoover Dempsey and Sandler Family Systems Model) -Parent’s motivational beliefs -Parent’s perceptions of invitations for involvement from others -Parents perceived life context 5. Views of teacher/parent roles 6. Priority needs … Read more

Business Finance – Management Week 3 Assignment – Policy Identification and Analysis

  Analyze and define the problem to include possible political conflicts. Identify risks and challenges. Identify and construct policy alternatives and solutions. Identify stakeholders and key roles. Identify funding opportunities, challenges, and budget cost factors; including saving measures. Select supportive and evaluative criteria. Identify incentives, subsidies, and potential benefits. Draw conclusions in a thorough summary, … Read more

Analyze Time Series Chart

*5 QUESTIONS* · The question to be asked is, why did the pattern(s) occur or not occur? · What occurred beginning in 2005 that increased the price of oil and why did it continue to increase until 2008? · What occurred beginning in 2009 that increased the price of oil and why did it continue … Read more

English Corrections on assignment

The first upload is the professor’s review and corrections. The second upload is the referral under the thesis column. The third upload is the second referral under the in-text citation column. The fourth upload is my peer’s input of corrections needed.  You only have to correct half of my peer’s corrections, if that, but do … Read more


1) Do the data show an increase, decrease, or stay (stay constant) in the trends?  2) Compare the data to the warning trend and indicator description.  3) Should the organization be concerned? Can it be corrected? How? 4) Your analysis then should explain why what occurred, occurred and its significance and implications.

Interpreting Descriptive Statistics

Use the Revenue Analysis Template to display the data in your research from the Revenue Worksheet.  Also, report the means and standard deviations as whole dollars. After filling in the template, Answer 3 questions: 1) Which set of data shows the highest variation and which shows the lowest variation?  2) Which state shows the highest … Read more

Article Analysis

  This assignment assesses your ability to “Gather, Evaluate, and Use” consumer information from the Internet. In keeping with the objectives of this course, this assignment allows you to explore economics, current situations, policy ramifications, and the associated public discussions aimed at the average consumer regarding health care in the United States. For this Assignment, … Read more