Internship sept 20

Mock Interview Experience: Below is a link for a mock interview video. The narrator will introduce the video and give you some items to prepare before you actually start the interview. Then, he will actual begin asking you questions as part of the mock interview then give you time respond. You will need to respond in order to … Read more

Advanced seminar in criminal 4

 With your research, you will be reviewing a total of four (4) peer reviewed articles. For this discussion board, attach 1 of your articles and summarize it briefly for your peers. Please make sure this is a different article than your Unit 3 submission. What key data will you be using for your research? How … Read more

Advanced seminar in criminal 4

 Aside from your project, what other NEW criminal justice/law enforcement initiatives can you think of. What type of research is supporting the new initiatives? Why do you feel that is important? How do you think this new initiative could change the criminal justice world?

Cybercrime 4

 You inspect your 14-year-old child’s phone. You discover that your child is talking to a person of the opposite sex that you do not know. The conversation you see on the phone talks about “keeping it secret” and “not telling anyone we are doing this.” As a parent, what do you do? What do you … Read more

Cybercrime 4

 Research a current virus that is prevalent today. Describe what the malware does to the computer system when it attacks. What is the name of the malware? Is commercial virus protection software able to defend computer systems from malware? Has your personal computer ever been subject to a virus? What did you do to fix … Read more


 Compare independent variables, dependent variables, and extraneous variables. Describe two ways that researchers attempt to control extraneous variables. Support your answer with peer-reviewed articles. 


Initial Post Instructions Suppose that you have two sets of data to work with. The first set is a list of all the injuries that were seen in a clinic in a month’s time. The second set contains data on the number of minutes that each patient spent in the waiting room of a doctor’s … Read more


Option 1 Part 1: Potassium Potassium is an essential element for the proper functioning of living cells. Maintaining proper K+ levels in the body is important for many vital functions such as heartbeat regulation, proper functioning of muscle and nerves and utilizing and metabolizing macronutrients such as protein and carbohydrates. When someone’s K+ levels are … Read more


 You will submit a detailed outline using the template that has been uploaded below. Your submission must include sections corresponding to the following subheadings: * Technical Aspects Provides necessary medical and scientific information to understand the issue. * Public Policy Describes current and proposed changes in public policy/law. * Arguments For and Against Include a … Read more