Medical Ethics

1) You will select a current medical ethics issue to research. Select a topic related to one of the following current medical ethics issues: * End of Life * Eugenics and Human Genetics * Medical Research * Reproductive Issues * Organ Donation and Transplantation * Public Health Issues * Access to Health Care * Biotechnology … Read more


 Review the resources and clinical skills in the PMHNP Clinical Skills List document. It is recommended that you print out this document to serve as a guide throughout your practicum.  Review the “Developing SMART Goals” resource on how to develop goals and objectives that follow the SMART framework. Review the resources on nursing competencies and … Read more

Cybercrime 1

 Research a well-known cybercrime. Search the Internet for the most common crimes committed in the cyber world. Describe the cybercrime. How was the crime investigated? What crimes were committed? What was the outcome? What was the tool used in the crime (i.e. a computer, etc.)? What is the law that governs this cybercrime? 

Cybercrime 1

 Scenario: John Jones burglarizes a car and steals a laptop that was sitting on the back seat. He drives to a densely populated condo complex and turns on the computer. He also finds an open (unprotected) Wi-Fi Hotspot. He uses that unprotected wireless Hot Spot to get onto the Internet and use a stolen credit … Read more

Advanced seminar in criminal 1

 Please list three potential topics for your capstone project.  For each possible topic, discuss the following: Why does this topic interest you?   Why might it be more interesting and feasible (can you gather data, for instance?) than the other two topics? Why might it be less interesting and feasible than the other two topics? … Read more


Hi everyone,      3  Major prenatal period Germinal period Embryonic period Fetal period Germinal period: this is for 2 weeks,. Zygote forms after fertilization which after passing through fallopian tube, get implanted on uterus. Embryonic period- this is from 3 weeks to 8 weeks. Most major organs like heart, brain etc form in this … Read more


  I wanted to incorporate a current issue and trend taking place in the criminal just system: medical misdiagnosis. Should medical misdiagnosis be a crime? Over the past 20 years, more and more criminal indictments have been taking place against doctors charged with negligence that resulted in the death of patients.  Are doctors making mere … Read more

week 8 criminology

 1. discuss and describe what is meant by a ‘victim precipitated homicide’. In doing so, briefly describe and elaborate a bit on how ‘situational rage’ and/or ‘accumulated rage’ may be connected to a victim precipitated homicide. No direct quotes should be utilized in the response.  2.  per the week 7 lesson and assigned readings, provide … Read more


Initial Post Instructions Outline the three major prenatal periods, describe the events associated with each, and explain how the three germ layers participate in the formation of extra-embryonic membranes

Discussion: Open Loop and Closed Loop Control

  In recent years, control  systems have played a central role in the development and advancement of  modern technology and civilization. Practically every aspect of our  day-to-day life is affected by some type of control system. In  industrial settings, we find control systems in the quality control of  products, weapons system, transportation systems, power systems, … Read more