
1) Read the article below and answer the following questions 2) Discuss your role as a nurse in disaster preparedness and response. Describe your current patient population and discuss the challenges you might face in carrying out your responsibilities in a disaster. 3) How could you gain more hands-on training to supplement your academic study … Read more


Hi Professor Flanagan, Two reasons that can lead to renal failure and why: High blood pressure and diabetes are the two most common causes of kidney failure. They can also become damaged from physical injury, diseases, or other disorders.  The reason for diabetes causing renal failure is that “high blood glucose, also called blood sugar, … Read more

Discussion: Counters & Timers Applications

Basic architecture (internal structure and organization) of SPLDs,  CPLDs, and FPGAs. It also discusses software development tools that  cover generic design flow for programming a device, including design  entry, functional simulation, synthesis, implementation, timing  simulation, and downloading.   you may share: Questions or problems you have encountered with this week’s assignment Helpful hints and tips … Read more


 Review the article (American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics ) posted below and answer the following questions.  1) Does the law require you to respond in disaster situations? 2) Do RNs have a contractual responsibility to respond in disaster situations? 3) Are you familiar with the laws in your state? Support your answers with … Read more


1) Read the article posted below and answer the following questions. 2) Do you think it is possible to protect this vulnerable population during a research study? How do the authors apply the four ethical principles when dealing with a vulnerable population such as incarcerated pregnant women? 


 Community-oriented policing is an approach toward crime that addresses the underlying causes of crime and endeavors to apply long-term problem solving to the issues through improved police-community partnerships and communication. How is this possible when the average tenure of a police chief is just over three years? Will top management changes derail long-term partnerships? What … Read more


 Discuss antibullying efforts in your community. What has been done? Do these efforts infringe on the First Amendment rights of either party? Why or why not? Support your opinion. 

Week 5 DB Types of crime

 discuss/debate with your classmates your position on which factors you feel play a greater role pertaining to the problems associated with defining and determining the frequency of white-collar crime. Also, discuss with your classmate’s possible solutions to this problem. 

Career Planner

****See attached Career Planner Guide For this Assignment, you will create a Career Planner that you can use as you pursue your next professional role.  To Prepare: Review the Career Planner Guide. Seek out resources on cover letters, resumes, and other professional resources, as needed. The Walden University Career Planning and Development site has information … Read more