
 Select one of the articles listed below and answer this question: 1) Do you think it is reasonable to expect nurses to stay current regarding new research/Evidence-Based Practice findings in their area of practice? Or is this an agency/organization responsibility? Choose one of the articles below and click the link. * Friesen, M. A., Brady, … Read more


Initial Post Instructions Choose one of the following topics for your initial post: Our knowledge and understanding of the various forms of lymphocytes continue to expand. Our initial discussion this week will be on the various forms of B and T cells — each of us should take one class of lymphocytes and explain it’s … Read more

Uses Communication Strategies to Influence Others

 INTRODUCTION Producing an effective message encompasses efficient planning, organization, and influential communication. In this task, you will: 1.  Write a proposal for a new policy for an organization or community using the RRM3 D268 Task 3 Template located in the Supporting Documents section below the rubric. 2.  Create a professional, influential, narrated digital multimedia presentation of your … Read more

American national Government 6

 Based on Article II of the Constitution, in order to become president, one must be a natural-born citizen, 35 years of age, and a resident of the United States for 14 years. The 22nd Amendment, ratified in 1951, limits the number of terms a president can be elected to office to two terms. Overall, these … Read more

Doctoral Nursing Assessment

 What challenges to completion do you anticipate you will encounter in your doctoral program? What strategies for successful completion do you anticipate will be the most useful for you, and how will you work toward implementing these strategies to meet your goals?


1) a.What have researchers learned about the relationship between higher education and employment?      b. What have researchers learned about the prevalence of unemployment among college graduates?  2)  Found 3 or 4 RESEARCH ARTICLES using the method taught in the video in this week’s folder For this assignment, follow the directions CAREFULLY:  Step 1: Download the EXCEL … Read more

Self Reflection

 Compose a self-reflection on why it is important to understand the different types of economies in the social work profession. Consider the relationship between the state, the market and organizations in the creation of social policies and how different economic contexts (capitalism, socialist economy, mixed economy, neoliberalism and political economy) influence the creation of social … Read more

wk 1a psychotherapy

   review practice agreements in your state(Illinois). Identify whether your state (Illinois) requires physician collaboration or supervision for nurse practitioners, and if so, what those requirements are. Research the following: o How do you get certified and licensed as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) in your state? o What is the application process for … Read more


Good Morning Class, I am choosing Option B  The Lymphatic system is a very complex system. The tissues and organs that produce, store, and carry white blood cells that fight infections and other diseases.   A nonspecific immune system: Both innate and adaptive immune system are very essential to survive an organism and also to sustain … Read more

American national Government 5

 Between the combination of safe seats and the advantages of incumbency, it is often difficult to defeat members of Congress from office in an election. This has contributed to a lack of turnover in Congress, which some see as being a problem. One possible solution often mentioned is implementing term limits. We see term limits … Read more