nursing blog

 a brief description of at least one strategy you have used in the past (academically or professionally) that was advantageous in empowering you in terms of one or more of the following skill sets: planning, time management, studying, and effective technology use 

6568 wk 1 discussion

   To prepare: · Review practice agreements in your state (Florida) · Identify whether your state requires physician collaboration or supervision for nurse practitioners and, if so, what those requirements are. · Research the following: o How do you get certified and licensed in your state? o What is the application process for certification in … Read more

development psychology

1. What are some causal factors that can influence development, personality, temperament and behaviors (please name at least five factors) (give support ) Please explain why these causal factors occur to these influences. 2. Please explain two ways to conduct research and experiments explain why it is important to have informed consent and to be … Read more


A. Let’s start by discussing the structure of our blood vessels. Let’s each take a characteristic of (1) arteries, (2) veins, or (3) capillaries. Build upon what your classmates say to enable us to have a fuller understanding of these vessels that are essential for our existence. The arteries’ primary function is to transport oxygenated … Read more


Initial Post Instructions Choose one of the following topics for your initial post: Let’s start by discussing the structure of our blood vessels. Let’s each take a characteristic of (1) arteries, (2) veins, or (3) capillaries. Build upon what your classmates say to enable us to have a fuller understanding of these vessels that are … Read more

america national

 The media has become a very powerful force in American politics. With that said, explain if you think the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of the press places a special obligation on the media to behave responsibly and if you think there is a need for checks on the power of the media. Consider the … Read more

Nursing module 1 assignment

  Research the role of the Nurse Practitioner. Select and describe an Advanced Nurse Practitioner role.  Why are you becoming a Nurse Practitioner? Find one research article, expert opinion about the Nurse Practitioner role and summarize the article.  What does the Institute Of Medicine (IOM) say about the need of Nurse Practitioners? Identify and describe … Read more

Discussion: Types and Selection of Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs)

  RTDs are more accurate and reliable than thermocouples. You should  also understand that RTD’s sensing element is a resistor that changes  resistance with temperature and it is connected to the control circuitry  through a wire. Answer the following: In order to select the suitable detector, what materials should be used as sensing elements and … Read more

Discussion Reply!!! What suggestions or resources do you have to share with your classmate?

  In this week of Industrial Automated Systems we discuss process  controls that utilize variables and controlled set-points. The following  topics are part of this system: On-Off Control mode is as the name implies in that the process  control is automated to turn a system on and off. This is dependent on  input variables and … Read more


Initial Post Instructions The human heart is a four-chambered hydraulic pump. A hydraulic pump uses differences in pressure to move material from areas of higher pressures to areas of lower pressures. The pressure differences created by the heart move blood between the chambers and the circulatory systems. Let’s begin our discussion by identifying the chambers … Read more