
 Reflect on your personal and professional values and conscious or unconscious biases that influence your leadership style. What is one strength and one weakness of your leadership style? How does your leadership style impact your relationship dynamics and conflict management approach? 


As you complete BIOS242, describe the following: One of the key concepts you learned that appealed you the most; How concepts of Microbiology will help you in clinical sciences such as pathophysiology; The importance of knowledge of microbiology for a career in health care.


You’ve made it through the lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! Welcome to week 8, the final week of this course. Remember to complete all work by Wednesday, December 20th, 2023, 2359 MST.  Please share two things you learned during this course that you didn’t know before completing it.


  Mr. Rodriquez, a 78-year-old man who recently immigrated to the United States, was admitted to the medical unit, and diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia. The hematologist caring for this patient has explained reasonable treatment options for an individual of Mr. Rodriquez’s age and general medical condition. His daughter, who is distraught and unable to … Read more


Welcome to week 7. This week completes the discussion of health promotion and risk prevention across the lifespan, from teenagers to older adults. Please provide one health promotion activity and identify one risk for each age group (adolescents [teenager], young adults, middle adults, older adults).


* A patient does not speak English and is a member of an immigrant group not well represented in your community. Using the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Health and Health Care standards, identify four strategies a culturally competent nurse can use to ensure that the patient receives high-quality care.  

RUA redo

You must identify the topic you have selected, the age group, the population or cultural group, and the Healthy People 2023 Leading Health Indicator that is aligned with the topic you have selected. this assignment state that your topic must align with the leading health indicators as outlined by healthy people 2030.


The last two weeks of this course will focus on growth and development throughout the lifespan. Week 6 will focus on newborn through school-aged children’s lifespans. Why is it important for nurses to understand and be able to apply Erikson’s Psychosocial Development, Piaget’s Cognitive Development, and Kohlberg’s Moral Development theories to these lifespans?


* Sandra recently began questioning her decision to become a nurse and was considering leaving the profession after only six months of licensure. Orientation had left her in tears at least once per week, and she began questioning her ability to be a safe and competent nurse. Sandra felt belittled by her preceptor and unsupported … Read more

World history 1500

Considering monumental architecture, interregional trade, and social stratification, compare one civilization in the Americas (from chapter 10) to an early civilization in Northeast Africa or the Middle East (from chapter 2).