. Discuss the idealism of French landscape painting by Nicolas Poussin and Claude Lorrain during the Baroque period and compare two of their paintings. Discuss the similarities and differences in their work. 


   1. Discuss the way in which a hypostyle mosque was designed to support Islamic religious practices. What features in the mosque are significant for how the space is used? describe the floorplan of a specific mosque. Identify the mosque by its location.

Museum Observation

Museum Visit Observation PLEASE USE THE PICTURE I PROVIDED (artist: Hervé Télémaque) 1. Formal properties  Visual elements – colors, value, texture, movement, contrast, light, geometric or organic shapes, lines, time, motion, rhythm Composition – balance, focal point, movement, direction, repetition, proportion, balance, symmetry Space – how is the illusion of space created or not created … Read more


itle: The old vs new. Positioning new sculptures in dialogue with classical sculpture and architecture. How do curate classical and contemporary art together? artiest:Mikhailo Deyak

catalogue homework: Artworks in Spaces

we are doing Mikhailo Deyak who is a Ukrainian immerging artist. Here is the link about some of his artworks: The main material he uses are glass and metal. His artworks are displayed in wild field, square and galleries.

ART 102 Multiple Assignments

This is an assignment bundle consisting of multiple types of assignments. I need two of everything.  Please see the document named “Sweet Study Art Uploads” for the further detail.  Any mentioned pdf’s (in the “Sweet Study Art Uploads”) you might need are also attached.

Surrealism and de Stijl

  ·  Discuss the features of surrealism in one Surrealist artwork (pp.915-922 Kleiner Ch 29). ·  Discuss Piet Mondrian’s concept of Neoplasticism (p. 922-23 Kleiner Ch 29). ·  Compare and contrast the visual stylistic features of surrealism and de Stijl. Include the following aspects in the assignment: ·  Artist’s name, title, date, media of one … Read more

Compare two drawings

Artist • Name of the artwork (must be underlined or italicized each time you reference it) • Date • Include an image of the artwork • Medium (e.g., oil painting) • Current location and original location (if known) • Visual analysis * of the work (including subject matter, artist’s use of color, line, perspective, texture, … Read more

vinhomes smart city sapphire kien tao khong gian song chuan quoc te

<h1 dir=”ltr” style=”text-align:center”><span style=”font-size:24px”><span style=”font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif”><strong>Vinhomes Smart City Sapphire kiến tạo không gian sống chuẩn quốc tế</strong></span></span></h1> <p dir=”ltr”><span style=”font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif”><span style=”font-size:14px”>Phân khu&nbsp;&nbsp;<u><a href=”” style=”text-decoration-line: none;”><strong>Vinhomes Smart City Sapphire</strong></a></u> được xem là một trong những phân khu sôi động nhất thành phố thông minh Smart City với không gian sống hiện đại và tiện ích đẳng cấp … Read more