Quanna week 1

 Topic: social structure theory   discuss  how it has influenced policy in corrections. What do you think the  long-term effects of these events will be on the system?  Please add a bible verse at the end that relates to the topic at hand.

thelma week 6

  Many  potential employers and managers considering employees for promotion  will ask you to reflect back on your educational accomplishments.  Prepare a summary of the work you completed as a student in your BA/BS  program at APUS/AMU. Your Executive Summary should be a “teaser”  for the reader. Entice the reader to want to read more … Read more

cooper 2

  Research  an article regarding how Artificial Intelligence systems are going to  change acquisition and fulfillment in the future. As your topic might be  very new, please use the web or the library. Note that you need to make  sure to support your position on what will change in the future. Read the articles below … Read more

Education quita assignment 2

  Create an assessment plan that calls for the use of a portfolio.  Include a rubric that will be used to assess your students’ portfolios.  The topic for this project should be related to what you currently teach or what you hope to one day teach.  Your project should include details about the following: Outline … Read more


  Comparing  performance is a common business strategy, including those among  healthcare facilities. You are Regional Director for a Healthcare System  that includes two hospitals, several clinics, and a long-term care  facility. You have been asked to evaluate hospital comparison data and  develop a dashboard to benchmark aspects of the coding function for  internal and national … Read more

natasha final

  Choose one of the topics below relevant to sexual assault.  1.  Sexual assault in the military 2. Date Rape 3.  Marital Rape 4. Homosexual Rape 5.  Prison Rape 6.  Child sexual Assault 7.  Sadistic sexual assault


 consider  what the supply chain or acquisition process might look like in the  future. , you will need to find at least one related  article that relates to supply or acquisition in the  past or future in order to reflect on what will change. Feel free to  consider new technologies such as self-driving vehicles, drones, … Read more


  Review  the predisposing factors for disease. List 2-5 predisposing factors  that apply to you; you should consider the impact of your immediate  family’s medical history as well as any implications associated with  your lifestyle. For each one, provide details as to how it relates to  you and discuss how you could manage or modify … Read more


 For  the assignment, you will use the recipe you presented in the week four  discussion forum and write a quality standard for the raw materials as  well as create a hazard analysis for the ingredients and preparation  methods that follow the flow of food from purchasing to service. Assume  you will be serving 50-60 guests. … Read more


 Assignment:  The  Baypoint Group (TBG) needs your help with a presentation for Academic  Computing Services (ACS), a nationwide organization that assists  colleges and universities with technology issues. ACS needs more  information about the differences between the IEEE 802.11a and IEEE  802.11g standards so that their salespeople will be better equipped to  sell this wireless technology … Read more