SHy friend

 I  attached his edits and my working summary. The professor has attached his feedback so this mainly  just needs revision and the edits made with citations and footnote and a conclusion. I also have my bibliography in case you need it.


  Review the Case Study Scenarios for the strategic plan to be developed in this course. Identify a small city or town, between 50-100 miles from your home for the location of Acme Medical Center. Choose one of the scenarios listed. Note that the Goals, Objectives, and Deliverables are listed for each scenario. Goals and … Read more


Please use the assignment to complete the source evaluation worksheet  Part I: Click  on the Assignment tab to review the instructions for the Week 7 Final  Project. After you understand what is required in Week 7, write one or  two sentences per bullet point (there are additional questions and  points to help you flesh our … Read more

S Edwards

   in a meaningful way to clarify your understanding of the difference  between violations of juvenile law versus delinquent acts. In the  instruction below you discuss a 15-year-old who refuses to obey the  parents’ rules of the home. You will analyze if the behavior falls in  the scope of the juvenile courts and if the … Read more

U Edwards

  In this discussion forum, you will research current topics from two leading journals in finance: The Journal of Finance and The Journal of Behavioral Finance.  The video for the week: Current Issues in Finance, provides a walk through of how to search for these topics. You  will conduct a library search of the journal, … Read more


 compare and contrast  two criminology theories (you pick the criminology theories) and  evaluate how these theories helped establish police patrol procedures  and other strategies for crime prevention. The purpose of this  assignment is for each student to demonstrate original critical thinking  on criminology theories, the published scholarly literature, and how  you can apply criminological theories … Read more


 Please complete one introduction and industry analysis for the three restaurants- chilies poor performance, chipotles mediocre performance, mcdonald’s successful performance.   Your assignment will be checked for AI usage, originality, and plagarism so please refrain from using any AI programs.  I. Introduction Purpose of the Analysis: Explain the goal of cr financial performance of these … Read more

d Mitchell presentation

 Your  final project will be a case study on a WMD event of your choice in the  past. You will be looking at the past event with the idea to provide  suggestions on how to prevent or minimize the consequence of such an  event happening on campus. You will upload your video into this  assignment … Read more

A Davis

 Please  watch the clips about Patrice Lumumba.  Remember, the Congo was ruled  by Belgium and experienced SEVERE abuse and extraction of resources.   With the decolonization movement, independence leader Patrice Lumumba  wanted a total elimination of Western meddling and exploitation of his  country.  When he was assassinated by the US and Belgium, a puppet ruler  (Mobutu) … Read more


  The students will be knowledgeable of the NBC Component 4 requirements with 90% accuracy. COMPONENT 4 (Video link):     demonstrate  evidence of your abilities as an effective and reflective practitioner  in developing and applying knowledge of your students;  *use assessments to effectively plan for and positively impact your students’ learning; and  *collaborate (with families, community, and colleagues) … Read more