Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan Khan, MBBS, FCPS, Child Specialist

   “Best Child Specialist in Lahore Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan is a consultant child specialist. He has vast experience of 22 years in pediatrics and currently working as Associate Professor in Children’s Hospital Lahore. He is expert in dealing all sorts of medical problems of children and newborns. He has special interest in the child nutrition, … Read more

child neglet

 Read and summarize each of the readings listed below, separately, in at least 3-4 sentences:  11.1 An Overview of Education in the United States 11.3 Issues and Problems in Elementary and Secondary Education https://www.propublica.org/article/ferguson-school-segregation

Director’s Resource Template

    Use the figures in Director’s   Resource 5-6 (pg. 142)  to determine how many children will be in each   group for the next six months. If licensing requires one adult for every   4 infants, one for every 8 toddlers, and one for   every 12 preschoolers, use the information provided to   determine what effect will the changing … Read more

week 4 discussion

  Preschool Observation  Oliver, Calvin, and Sophia have entered preschool! This week, you will still record what you see in the child’s video, but the observation will be in anecdotal formatting. This means that instead of using a developmental checklist, you will simply narrate what the child is doing. Remember not to submit your entire … Read more

Family Resource Project Presentation

            Choose one of the resource files you created to present to your peers.   Present your findings in a PowerPoint presentation.  -Each slide should be narrated. o The PowerPoint presentation should include relevant graphics, tables or illustrations.  · The presentation should include the following:                  Background – Briefly describe the issue. -Briefly state the impact of the … Read more

Weekly Activity {Influences of the Home}

  How does family space influence a child’s learning and development in the following areas? Physical Social/Emotional Cognitive Creativity Problem Solving Language Part 2 Choose 3 spaces in the home to focus on. List specific strategies or materials that a family can utilize in each space to positively influence a child’s learning and development.  PreviousNext … Read more

Weekly Activity {Childhood Obesity}

  Find three local community resources that provide opportunities for children to be physically active and/or promote health and wellness. These community resources need to either be free, low-cost or offer financial assistance. What do I submit? Name of the organization Location Program Cost Program Description How does the resource provide opportunities for children to … Read more

Weekly Activity {Temperament Profile}

     -3 Temperament Profiles Explain characteristics of the three temperament profiles. You may use your textbook, chapter 3 PowerPoint, lesson resources, and/or your own outside resources (must be peer reviewed journal articles). Self – Identification Use the temperament rating scale to rate yourself for each of the nine temperament traits Once you have rated your temperament … Read more

Module 06 Assignment – Child Observation Worksheet

  Purpose of Assignment This assignment will help to identify the normal growth and development by topic for each age group. In the final column of the assignment, you need to observe a child and apply the information you gathered and document your findings in comparison by the particular age of that child. Competency Compare … Read more

Module 06 Assignment – Child Observation Worksheet

  Purpose of Assignment This assignment will help to identify the normal growth and development by topic for each age group. In the final column of the assignment, you need to observe a child and apply the information you gathered and document your findings in comparison by the particular age of that child. Competency Compare … Read more