
  Identify one population and/or topic you could see yourself creating a career program for in the future. Tell us briefly about this program (at least one paragraph). Identify one of your biggest learning moments. 

Goal Statement Guidelines

 Answer each question concisely with specific details. You are strongly encouraged  to proofread, grammar check, and spell check your responses before submission; your  application will be evaluated not only on content but also on the presentation of written skills. Be  sure to answer each question completely. Responses that do not address the content of the … Read more

Review of the Strong Interest Inventory and the Skills Confidence Inventory

 Review the Strong Interest Inventory and Skills Confidence Inventory from this week’s readings. Provide a description of what the chosen inventory measures, including what it can and cannot determine. Incorporate Osborn’s (2012) cross-cultural research, which you can find on the Week 7: Aptitude and Career AssessmentLinks to an external site. reading list, to address ethical … Read more

Career Assessment

  Here, I want you to identify one career assessment that would be appropriate for this client. Discuss why you chose this assessment, how it is aligned with his issue(s), and what theory it is related to. You can take a look at the Career Assessment Resources for some ideas on assessments to use.  Your … Read more


resources Remley, T. P., & Herlihy, B. (2020). Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Chapter 15, “Supervision and Consultation” 

sexual orientation

 The ideas of addressing matters related to gender and/or sexual orientation within a counseling relationship can be an area of challenge, struggle, and anxiety for someone who experiences same-sex attraction. 

culture background

 consider how your cultural background influenced the family system patterns found in your family of origin, your identity development, and the role of culture and social justice in your counseling theoretical perspective. 

Journal Entry 1

Describe the potential impact of political oppression in three identified groups (of your choice or reported in the readings) and how institutional processes and procedures can proliferate that oppression. Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice, 9th Edition


The ACA Code of Ethics is based on six fundamental principles of ethical and professional behavior: nonmaleficence, beneficence, autonomy, veracity, justice, and fidelity. In your Learning Resources, you listened to seven faculty discuss these principles. For your Discussion this week, you will review the resources and consider how you have been able to develop your … Read more