Discussion 3: Research Design I

 In Module 3, we considered the first in our three-part series on research design. Specifically, the focus was on distinguishing features of classical experiments, namely, random assignment and experimental control. Also, this module’s assigned readings provided a bit of historical context for the overall paucity of experimental evidence published in criminology/criminal justice. We’ve read a … Read more


At many crime scenes, by the time you arrive, the scene has already been disturbed by first responders, law enforcement, or witnesses who have walked into your crime scene. How can you protect your crime scene? How do you differentiate between footwear impressions that are evidence and footwear impressions that are artifacts from first responders? … Read more


How do victims survive physically and psychologically, or do they? And then what? Is Gabby Giffords, who was discussed in the lecture, atypical?  As crisis responders, how can we help victims long term?

C.i. segment 1

Consider a crisis in which you have been intimately involved. It can be the same one you shared in your introduction, or it can be another crisis you experienced. Be sure to consider a case that has at least risen to a meso-crisis or beyond so that it will be substantive to critically evaluate through … Read more

Jjs 14

Electronic monitoring is often seen as “a prison without bars.” However, when it comes to juvenile electronic monitoring, it is not considered punishment but is seen as rehabilitative. Young people who would otherwise be detained are placed on electronic monitoring which can be akin to house arrest. Violations can include missing curfew, skipping class, or … Read more

Discussion Board #4 – Part 1

 Please read Deliberate and Decide at the end of Chapter 10 – p. 276-277 ( a copy has also been provided in the Module)Prison Policy Options  BOOK:   Peak, K.J., & Giacomazzi, A.L. (2019).Justice Administration:Police, Courts, & Corrections Management. (9th Edition). New York, NY:Pearson ISBN: 13: 978-0-13-487140-0 https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/  Answer question #2   Investing more in rehabilitative … Read more

Discussion Board #3 – Part 1

 Please make sure to review the materials for this Module before addressing issues pertaining to the measurement of police performance. For this weeks discussion we have a very complex issue presented in a simple question: How should police officer performance be assessed? Please note your opinion on this issue must be supported by relevant literature … Read more

Discussion Board #2 – Part 1

Hello, Please address the following: Some people have suggested that we can reform the role and function of the police (p.125- 126) by changing police personnel. One way of changing the role and function of policing is through recruitment. From the options listed, which one do you think is the most important in terms of … Read more


 After completing this week’s readings, how can a security management organization incorporate DE&I within its enterprise business strategy?  What are some potential obstacles in pursuing such an initiative and what inroads can be taken to overcome these possible hindrances?    https://www.asisonline.org/security-management-magazine/articles/2018/10/an-investment-in-employees/ https://www.asisonline.org/security-management-magazine/articles/2022/05/leveraging-dei-to-empower-organizational-competitive-advantage/