
  After establishing probable cause, your company, AB Investigative Services (ABIS), has been contacted by a prominent state law enforcement agency. Investigators do not understand the specifics of processing digital evidence or analyzing digital evidence. As an ABIS investigator, you will need go to the scene and provide guidance concerning the identification of digital evidence … Read more


 Each member of the team should research one of the topics from the assignment description and make several key recommendations for their area. Apply your learning in technology coursework, personal experience, and Internet research to make recommendations in each of these areas. Where you do not have sufficient background information from the case study, you … Read more


  The state crime lab has contracted AB Investigative Services (ABIS) to prepare a forensic plan to ensure that current problems with computer forensic investigations are erased and training is provided. An initial ABIS audit shows that many areas of the lab are not prepared to conduct extensive computer forensic evidence collection. You have been … Read more

Discussion board

 Define critical infrastructure information. What issues are involved with sharing critical infrastructure information? What is the effect of non-sharing or partial sharing? What efforts have been made to improve critical infrastructure information sharing? 

Discussion board

 Choose a sector in Read: Appendix (found in the Learn section), and discuss the responsible department or agency. What regulations apply? Are any private sector organizations involved? What standards, guidelines, and protocols does the private sector have? Considering possible threats, could improvements be made to the current standards? How? 

Discussion board

 What is the difference between a quantitative and qualitative risk assessment? What are the benefits of conducting a SVA? Consider and discuss key terms from the readings when evaluating the benefits. 

Discussion board

 We see how Paul organized relief efforts for the Church in Jerusalem in his third missionary journey. We also see how organizations like Samaritan’s Purse use relief efforts as a ministry to those outside the Church. Which is the correct approach for disasters, caring primarily for brothers and sisters in Christ or reaching out to … Read more

crjs390 unit 3

  You are the senior veteran partner of a special highway patrol unit that is working a major interstate that is a corridor for drug and gun smuggling. Your partner has the highest marks ever in the academy and has a great civilian education in criminology. He knows the laws and regulations by heart. He is a staunch … Read more

Discussion board

 What is the difference between the NRF and the NRP (replaced by the Federal Interagency Operational Plan-Response)? Explain the benefits of the NRF for localities. How would the NRF process work for a small city experiencing a catastrophic event? 

crjs 390unit 4 db

  You are in a special warrants unit in a major metropolitan area that specifically goes after street crime suspects with violent tendencies and histories of resisting arrest by the police. You are new to the unit but have come from a very professionally run narcotics operation in which your previous team dealt with extremely … Read more