Discussion board

 How can technological advances support homeland security and emergency management? What are the current and possible future issues that need to be addressed? Based on your readings, how would you address these issues? 

Discussion board

 Investigative journalist Steve Emerson originally documented the existence of jihad in America. Then, Brian Jenkins found 46 publicly recorded attacks or attempted attacks from radicalized individuals between 9/11/2001 and December 2009. More recently, Ryan Mauro and the Clarion Project exposed radical Islamic groups inside America. Do you agree or disagree with these findings? If there … Read more

Intro to criminal Justice.

 How do criminal justice professionals measure crime? What are their methods? What, in your opinion, are the strengths and weaknesses of each of these methods, and why?  Do you think public perception of crime is aligned with the actual crime data that has been reported? 

crjs370 dp

  Outline some of the key challenges to countering terrorists’ illicit finance efforts. Explain why it is difficult to mitigate these activities. Discuss some of the various funding sources used by terrorist organizations to raise funds. Include both legitimate and illicit sources of revenue.


  The use of terrorist tactics and strategies is linked to a terrorist organization’s goals and underlying motivations. Additionally, a terrorist organization must execute certain functions to conduct operations. This requires the selection of new recruits to support the terrorists’ cause. Address the following: Select a particular terrorist group. Describe how or why this group’s … Read more


  Forensic science begins at the crime scene. Based on the Locard principle, even the actions of the Crime Scene Investigator (CSI) may be destructive to evidence found at the scene. It is imperative that the actions of the CSI mitigate damaging the evidence as much as possible during collection, field processing, and packaging of the … Read more

Discussion Post

Community policing calls for problem-solving directed at resolving underlying issues of an identified problem. Identify a criminal justice issue in your local community that could be addressed by a problem-solving approach. Propose a solution that represents a community-based approach and explain why your solution would be considered community policing


  A terrorist group’s objectives are the goals of the group’s underlying visions.  conduct research on a specific group of your choosing, and address the following: Classify and summarize the group’s underlying worldview and perspective (e.g., religious-based, political ideology, single-issue, and so on). Discuss how and why the terrorist group’s objectives are linked to its … Read more


 The overall path juveniles and adults take through the criminal justice system follow very similar paths. However, along the way, there are unique differences in how juveniles must be handled by criminal justice personnel to ensure their rights are protected.