History of Criminal Law and Punishment

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Pioneers in Criminology: The Historical Development of CriminologyLinks to an external site. and Evolution of PunishmentLinks to an external site.. Additionally, watch 002 History of US Law and What Is the Law?Links to an external site. Western societies have been punishing criminal actors since ancient Greece. This … Read more

Discussion board

  Please post your answers to the following questions: What are your views on the idea of an unwritten code of conduct governing the behavior of police and corrections officers? You are a police officer and you witness your partner of 6 years strike a criminal suspect who has been arrested and is secured in … Read more

Discussion board

  Terrorism preparedness and response (and attempts to prevent terrorism altogether) have added significant strain to already stretched state and local budgets. If local governments determine their own level of risk/vulnerability and act accordingly, other programs will suffer as a result of budget reallocations. Should local governments establish minimum standards and levels of preparedness, regardless … Read more

Issues Justice System IND Project

  For this assignment, you will interview a law enforcement officer regarding his or her views about accepting gratuities.  During the interview with the officer, you will discuss the following topics related to gratuities: Determine from the officer the department’s official policy related to gratuities, and relate how strictly that policy is enforced. Discuss any … Read more


  You are recently hired as an intern to the recently promoted police chief in a medium-sized town with a rather modest budget for law enforcement equipment. One of her primary goals is to seek an increase in the budget for those technological items that she feels would help your department’s officers perform their jobs … Read more

correction IND Project

  One of the recent developments facing the public administration of corrections is that there has been an increasing call by public officials and the citizenry to privatize the prison systems in the United States.: From the perspective of a public-sector correctional administrator, make 2 arguments for keeping the jails in public hands. From the … Read more

juvenile deliquency 1

 Similar to adult crime, juvenile delinquency can be defined and measured in a variety of ways. The one unique characteristic with juvenile delinquency is that the legal definition will vary from one state to another. 

Discussion Post

Specify the most common intermediate sanction according to your textbook. Explain the three most significant problems facing the intermediate sanctions movement. Describe alternative sanctions you think are best according to existing evidence.

discussion post

  Drug courts are a relatively new phenomenon in the American judicial system. Focus your discussion on the following: Discuss the philosophy and role as well as provide a short history of drug courts.  Does the state in which you reside utilize drug courts, and if so, how successful have they been in reducing recidivism … Read more