
Create an E-R model based on the following scenarios: Note: https://app.diagrams.net/ is a free web application for creating diagrams. I have provided a video showing how to use this application. You are welcome to use the modeling software of your choice (Visio, Lucid Charts, etc.). Your models must use crows’ foot notation. Cardinality and modality … Read more

Historical Sales Data

 The potential for corporate fraud is always a consideration when using or even adopting an AIS. Even simple tools like Excel are useful in drawing information from accounting records found in an AIS. S&S is not exempted from this concern. Although this is not a normal duty for you, Ashton has asked you to analyze … Read more

Tufte Reading Having read Chapteron_Tufte.pdf and using Global Superstore.xls

Tufte Reading Having read Chapters4&5_Visual_Display_Quantitative_Information_Tufte.pdf Download Chapters4&5_Visual_Display_Quantitative_Information_Tufte.pdfand using Global Superstore.xls Download Global Superstore.xls: 1) Make and upload visualization Tufte would take issue with (20 pts) 2) In a few lines, explain what parts of the visualization Tufte would complain about most (15 pts) 3) Revise your visualization to remove or correct those parts (15 pts)

Analysis of Spelling data

Write a detail analysis of the process of administering the IRI: What positive or negative experiences did you encounter? How were they resolved? How comfortable or uncomfortable are you in administering same assessment? What were the students’, reactions, and responses? What did you learn from the students? What do you think went well or wrong … Read more

Data Analysis Using R

2 paragraph, include reference. 1 student response  Describe what R programming language is and how R programming is used in health care. What are the advantages and disadvantages of R in daily health care IT? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Discussion post

Using the feedback provided ( feedback files attached) and the attached project.  Write the following: beef up summary and conclusions section responding to the feedback that was provided from the draft (draft is attached and so is the feedback). Respond to the review / feedback comments.

Identify, analyze, and evaluate quantitative and qualitative healthcare data and information for effective decision making in various healthcare settings

Identify, analyze, and evaluate quantitative and qualitative healthcare data and information for effective decision making in various healthcare settings  Explain data to a healthcare audience in a clear, concise, and persuasive manner, consistent with best practices in the field of healthcare management to inform or advocate change. Assess the ethical challenges in designing a research … Read more

Tableau Lab

Use the data from the attached file (Exercise 7) to replicate the dashboard shown in the in-class demo.  Upload a screenshot of the dashboard AND your Tableau workbook (.twbx) here.  (INSTRUCTIONS) DEMO HAS BEEN ATTACHED AS SLIDES FOR REFERENCE