SQL & Data Management

Write a SQL query to find the second-highest salary from an Employee table without using LIMIT. Given a Sales table with Date, Product_ID, and Revenue, write a query to find the cumulative revenue per product over time. Design a normalized database schema for an e-commerce application handling customers, orders, and payments. Implement a stored procedure … Read more


  Using the Entities and Attributes you created for your business from the week 1 discussions, show the tables and relationships resulting from your model in the form of an E/R diagram.  Be sure to identify key attributes and relationships across all entities. You can use Microsoft tools like PowerPoint/Visio, or any other graphical modeling … Read more

Database in health care

  Attached two files , one for the data you will work on in excel file and file discription for the data in PDF As a data scientist please study the data and answer the following questions  1- what is the primerly diagnosis ? 2- What potential risk factors were there? 3- Make a statistical … Read more

Database and coding

  Attached two files , one for the data you will work on in excel file and file discription for the data in PDF As a data scientist please study the data and answer the following questions  1- what is the primerly diagnosis ? 2- What potential risk factors were there? 3- Make a statistical … Read more


 Go to the Regent library website and find the “Full Database List” here.Links to an external site.  Take some time looking through the dozens of research tools available through that list. Find one in particular that you did not know existed and that interests you. Spend some time looking through the materials. Then, post a brief … Read more

Database Analysis Using Python

2 paragraph include reference and 1 student response List the components of a relational database and how they are used for Python programming. How is Python programming used in health care IT? List some advantages and disadvantages of Python programming. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Database Design

 You will analyze user needs to facilitate the development of a database using SQL server to track the software and hardware assigned to the employees of a given organization. The purpose of this database project is to facilitate the development of data models that can be translated into relational databases. Organizations are legally required to … Read more


 In your post, compare and contrast the differences between ODBC and JDBC technologies including their individual strengths and weaknesses. Describe the reasons a developer might select one technology versus the other. JDBC//ODBC are used for connecting to back-end DBMS. Identify and explain other technologies that would allow user applications to communicate with the back-end database. … Read more

Creating a Database

  This assignment will be completed within the Virtual Lab Environment. For this assignment, you will access your virtual Structured Query Language (SQL) server, create a database and translate the normalized ERD from the Week Three assignment into the SQL server entities. Within the SQL server database all the following requirements must be met. Create … Read more