Sam final

  Research  and respond authoritatively to the below questions, making sure your  positions have interdisciplinary applicability and are supported by  peer-reviewed sources:  What are the advantages and disadvantages of constructing a WBS using objectives or deliverables rather than activities?   A project is planned to produce some  desired result. Should the project planners be concerned … Read more

greg final powerpoint

 For your  final project, you will be creating a training program for kitchen  employees in a restaurant. You have the choice between recording  yourself actually conducting the training program or creating a  presentation using PowerPoint and narration   a written transcript of your presentation (what you are saying) must be included.    The  employees you will … Read more

greg week 5

  We have  been studying the flow of food through an operation. The last two weeks,  we’ve focused on Storage, Preparation and Service. This week,  you will be preparing an infographic that depicts the preparation of a  potentially hazardous food item that is considered to be a TCS food  (Food that requires time and temperature … Read more


Complete attachment  This Assignment requires you to critically think about ten health  concepts universally recognized by health professionals as critical to  health. These health concepts provide a basis for what a healthy people,  family, communities, and nations are built upon    Hint: Read Through The Entire Document And You Will See The Instructions At The … Read more

a davis

For this assignment, watch the documentary below.  Ireland was  England’s first colony and the first to start the process of  decolonization.  The English terrorized Irish freedom fighters, calling  them “terrorists”, jailed them, tortured them, attacked their families,  and put in place martial law to control the population.  Please describe  the process of the Irish Revolution … Read more


  1. Select a topic relevant to immigration (human rights, health care, voting, housing, etc.).  2. Provide at least three scholarly or  otherwise trustworthy sources on your topic and justify your use. How do  they help you understand the problem or issue? Why are they good  sources? (Remember Evaluating Information Sources   Links to an external … Read more

A. Davis

  1. Select a topic relevant to immigration (human rights, health care, voting, housing, etc.).  2. Provide at least three scholarly or  otherwise trustworthy sources on your topic and justify your use. How do  they help you understand the problem or issue? Why are they good  sources? (Remember Evaluating Information Sources   Links to an external … Read more

neva art

 For the Introduction Art Historical Critique Assignment, you will be analyzing  Palace of Versailles, which was designed and built by Louis le Vau,  André le Nôtre, and Charles le Brun (1664–1710) for Louis XIV, the King  of France.   Louis le Vau, André le Nôtre, and Charles le Brun, Palace of Versailles, (1664–1710) 

Adrienne world civ Listen  to all of Raoul Peck’s interview about his HBO series “Exterminate the  Brutes”.   Then,  watch the two clips about Indian Boarding Schools in the US and Canada   Summarize Peck’s main arguments about imperialism and colonialism in North America and beyond Weed out major themes and ideas presented Describe conditions in these boarding … Read more


 During  this part of the project, you will be analyzing someone else’s  culture.  You will need to find someone from a culture that is very  different from your own (african American).  You will need to get the culture approved by  your instructor (only if you are not sure about the culture).  You will use the … Read more