
  1.)  Select a publicly-traded company that is traded on U.S. exchange.  Locate the annual report for at least the last three fiscal years. Analyze  the financial statements for the company and review for large movements  in specific accounts from one year to the next. In addition, review the  notes to the financial statements as … Read more


Q1   explaining the social contract. Q2 The three components of the routine activity theory provide a definition and describe a victimization  each questioned should be answered in full complete paragraphs followed by two references and a bible verse.

Week 7 leadership

  In your journal, describe the responsibilities of an effective leader. Then reflect on the following questions: How do ethics play a role in effective leadership? How does a leader balance responsibility to an organization with responsibility to followers and the larger community? Write about your responsibilities as a leader in your current or future … Read more

Law – Criminal week 6 assignment leadership

 6-1 Journal: Professional GoalsAssignment What are your professional goals? Describe the steps you plan to take to reach those goals. Include steps that specifically relate to leadership development as well as a timeline that demonstrates what you hope to achieve and by when. Begin to note any differences in your thoughts or depth of knowledge … Read more

Law – Criminal 7-2 assignment communication

 7-2 Milestone Three: Evolution of Communication and TechnologyAssignment For this milestone, you will be completing section IV of the final project, which covers evolution of communication and technology. Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.

breezy history

  Read the following article  and summarize what the author is trying to  tell the reader about slavery’s impact on the economy: Plus add your  analysis of the article..did you agree with the author’s theory or view? Did slavery make economic sense? by C.W. and A.J.K.D.


 week1-Intro to work processing week2-Intro to Excel week 3-Intro to powerpoint Instructions Applying  what you learned in weeks 1, 2, and 3, create a PowerPoint presentation  introducing yourself to a potential employer.  Include concise bullets  on each slide, an image on at least 2 slides, and transitions between  slides. Provide details explaining the content on … Read more

dee sceincde final

  This is the intial table that you did these are the follow up questions 1. Name 2. Type of Terrarium – Include a brief description and Before pictures of your control and experimental terrariums. 3. Explain in detail what you did to amend or change your experimental terrarium, and compare with what you did … Read more

code of ethics (white)

 Please complete attached worksheet Code of Ethics worksheet.  Worksheet designed to understand a code of ethics Do  some research and find a code of ethics published by some organization  or company representing your chosen major. Then complete the attached  worksheet: Be sure to answer all questions. 

Analysis of Licensure, Accreditation, and Credentialing (quay)

  This assignment has four parts: Discuss  facility licensure requirements in your state, including Certificate of  Need (CON); if you are not in a CON state, indicate as such. Compare and contrast the licensure requirements for at least two healthcare professionals in your state, including continuing education requirements. Compare and contrast at least two accreditation … Read more