
https://www.childtrends.org/publications/5-things-to-know-about-racial-and-ethnic-disparities-in-special-education https://today.law.harvard.edu/report-finds-wide-disparities-punishment-students-disabilities-race/ After reading the articles and attachments, complete the following items: Identify 12 facts (at least four from each article).   Write a three-paragraph reflection on what you learned, how you can use the information as a teacher, and suggestions for resolving disproportionality in special education settings.  (15 points)


Put together a collection of resources related to science instruction that will help students stay engaged and focused on learning.  Specifically, the resource file should be a collection of activities, articles, ideas, images and any other documents that might be useful for science instruction based on the following topics: • Science is observing, analyzing, and … Read more

Developing a Positive Learning Environment

Establishing a positive classroom community allows children to feel safe and secure in their school environment. It is not only important to do this at the beginning of the year when students are acclimating to their new environment, but throughout the year as well. For this assignment, choose a grade from pre-K–Grade 3 and use … Read more

Philosophy of education

 Design a room arrangement for an early childhood classroom that addresses system and routines, classroom rules, seating arrangement, classroom schedule. Please draw the classroom identifying the system and routines and seating arrangement. Attached the documents for classroom rules and the classroom schedule. Please review the assigned textbook for the class and other sources to create … Read more

Education Early Childhood Assignments

For this assignment, create an 8-10 slide digital presentation for a professional development for new early childhood teachers that demonstrates educational options (birth-pre-K or K-3). The digital presentation should include the following: Explanation of three evidence-based early childhood environments, one being Montessori and two of your choosing. How each environment contributes to building a safe, … Read more

week 5 discussion

   This week your task is to research and evaluate the four main evidenced-based instructional models used in today’s classrooms. Prior to participating in this discussion forum, review the information about the four main instructional models and invite your classmates to engage in a conversation with you by posing at least one question around those … Read more

week 7 discussions

    Week 7 Discussion Forum      Although we know you did not complete a full research project, you  completed the research proposal with an idea of what your actual results  could be. If you ever do complete a full research project, an important  step is making sure your research is published/disseminated so that  other nurse … Read more


  Resources to support completion of this assignment:   Course Textbook:  Rosenthal, L. & Burchum, J. (2021). Lehne’s pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice nurses and physician assistants (2nd ed.). Elsevier.  Global Initiative for Asthma. Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention, 2021  Direct link to pocket guide: GINA guidelinesLinks to an external site.Links to an external site. Prescriber’s Digital ReferenceLinks … Read more

questions 4

  1. Is having a growth mindset as a teacher important?    2. As an educator, it is important to encourage children to develop a “growth mindset”, however, how do you plan on encouraging parents to do the same at home?

Discussion 4

  This week your task is to consider what you have learned about the influence of growth mindsets on both students and educators and think about how you will show your students that you believe in them as you create the culture and climate in your own classroom. Prior to participating in this discussion form, … Read more