Leadership Style and Ethics

 What type of leader is best? Summarize the description of a leadership style and leadership model that coincides with the characteristics of a Principle-Centered-Leader in Covey (1991). Describe connections between leadership styles and leadership models and the characteristics of a Priniciple Centered Leader. Discern the role that ethics plays in leadership towards developing perceptions of … Read more

Discussion 2

IN APA STYLE. USING SOURCES PROVIDED ONLY. 550 WORDS Answer the following:Explain how culture relates to social boundaries. How do we express culture through consumption? How and why do you think some material or symbolic cultural items, like cornrows, rainbow flags or other examples, create and “cross over” boundaries separating popular culture and subcultures? 

Strategic Leadership

Topic – Strategic Leadership and ReadingAssignmentDistrict Culture – Hoyle et al. – pp. 17-34, 183-204 How do you assess the culture and climate of a school district?  Who would you speak with?  What types of data would you seek?  Why? You should provide a comprehensive response to the discussion question or questions that should be … Read more

Careers in the Field of Special Education

  Review the information on the United States Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook for Special Education Teachers. In 250-500 words, describe some of the various roles of special education teachers. Provide at least two examples of people with whom they might collaborate. Additionally, describe the role that special education teachers have as advocates for … Read more

Discussion Question 2

Describe collaborative methods of data analysis. What would this look like for a grade-level team during a Professional Learning Community (PLC)? What role would you play as a literacy/reading specialist?  6-8 sentences & APA Style (1 in-text citation and reference)

learning theories

  What are my current beliefs about teaching and learning? What are the key elements of different theories/models that have developed over the years? How have these theories/models informed educational practices? How can I incorporate principles from these learning theories/models into my personal theory of teaching/learning? How do these theories/models impact my classroom practice?


  Posting 10— Ethical and Legal Issues Please find a peer-reviewed article that discusses ethical and legal issues in healthcare delivery as it relates to individuals with developmental disabilities and provide a summary of the article.

Technology in Education Presentation

  Review the ISTE Standards for Educators. Create a 10-12 slide digital presentation for your colleagues depicting technology in special education. Your presentation should include: Examples of technologies that improve student learning within a special education environment. Examples of technologies that could be used collaboratively within a special education environment. Considerations regarding student access to … Read more

Discussion 1

Answer this is APA Style. 1 page single spaced Considering the readings (especially Ch. 1) and the online materials below, discuss the following.  What do you think W.E.B. Du Bois meant by “life within the veil”? How and why do sociologists use critical thinking, data, and socially-engaged scholarship in their work? Use concrete examples from … Read more