
Reflect on what you have learned from this course and how you can apply your knowledge in the clinic setting. What are some final thoughts that you would like to share in order to elevate your knowledge and this course? the course was a pharmacology course I can upload 1-2 PowerPoints slides from the course

legal aspects 12

Review the following case study attached and provide a brief summary of the facts and provide your response to each of the questions in the study. ___________________________ research the laws regarding physician assisted suicide in Florida.  Share a summary of your findings.

Persuasive Advocacy Podcast

 Your research and attention to different audiences have prepared you to create an advocacy project on your chosen issue (the same issue as Project 3). You’ll create a seven- to ten-minute podcast episode in Canva that serves a purpose for a specific audience. 


  After you have read Chapters 5 and 6,  post what YOU consider to be the most important issue in each chapter and why. Chapter 5 — Selecting a Topic and a Purpose Chapter 6 – Analyzing  the Audience Again, please remember that this posting is worth 20 points so your responses should  be specific … Read more

English Homework

 give your understanding of the industry and what you have learned from this class. Explain how this course has changed your overall view of logistics and transportation. What are you taking away that you can use on your job tomorrow? 

Attending college or university in a different country can expand a young person’s horizons.

  · Attending college or university in a different country can expand a young person’s horizons. my 3 points are: 1- Opportunity to learn about a different culture. 2- Opportunity to learn a different language. 3- Opportunity for personal development.  · Use Tactful, Courteous language · Acknowledge Different Viewpoints · Rebut Different Viewpoints · Stay … Read more