History – American history Congressional Assignment

 Answer the following questions. Remember that I want your representatives and senators from Washington, D.C. not the state legislature Congressional Assignment What Congressional District do you live in? Who represents your District in Washington? When did your representative take office? How long has your representative served in office? Who represents you in the U.S. Senate? … Read more

Civil rights

 1. Identify the following: Jim Crow Laws, W.E.B. DuBois, Booker T. Washington, Malcolm X, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Brown vs. Board of Education, Plessy vs. Ferguson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Voting Rights Act, Fair Housing Act, Redlining, Sundown Town, NOW, NAACP, LULAC, Mendez vs. Westminister, U.S. vs. Wong Kim Ark, Affirmative Action, Emmett Till, Frederick … Read more

U.S Government

1.Should bullying on the basis of a protected class or quasi protected class, such as gender identify, be approached differently than bully based for other reasons? Consider: Ninth Circuit backs student expulsions over racist Instagram posts Courthouse News Service (1 paragraph, 4-5 sentences, 1 scholarly reference) 2.Should bullying on the basis of a protected class … Read more


scholarly book review evaluating the content and merit of Mills’ classic scholarly piece concerning the power and influence of America’s elite. Does it add value to your understanding of power and influence in American politics? If so, explain how? Is Mills’ work still relevant today? What are the shortcomings of this classic work? 1500 chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://ia800102.us.archive.org/17/items/c_wright_mills_the_power_elite/C.%20Wright%20Mills%2C%20Alan%20Wolfe-The%20Power%20Elite-Oxford%20University%20Press%2C%20USA%20%282000%29.pdf

Jim Crow Project

 https://youtu.be/UcCxsLDma2o    1. What impact did the Jim Crow era have on African Americans achieving equal opportunities in the American society? 2. How has it affected the socioeconomic status and the ability to build wealth of African Americans? 3. How did the Jim Crow era impact the debate over affirmative action? 4. What affect did … Read more


Directions: Review the movie “Future Fright”. 2. Complete the three (3) assignment questions below by answering each question thoroughly. Be sure your responses take into consideration your understanding of America’s Bill of Rights http://billofrightsinstitute.org/founding-documents/bill-of-rights/ How plausible is this scenario? Why? How did the dramatization make you feel? After watching the program, has your opinion changed … Read more

Equal Protection and Public Education

 Choose ONE of the following groups: Classifications based on English language learners; Classifications through ability grouping/tracking; Classifications in academic programs based on gender; Classifications in sports programs based on gender; and Classifications to assign students to specific schools for racial balance.  Based on group selected this will assignment will Summarize the factual background on how the … Read more

Principles of Microeconomics

Is there someone that can assist me with this?   Critical Thinking Questions: Suppose you could buy shoes one at a time, rather than in pairs. What do you predict the cross-price elasticity for left shoes and right shoes would be? 2. Think back to a purchase that you made recently. How would you describe … Read more

The initiative and the referendum

The initiative and the referendum are at the heart of direct democracy in Arizona. Discuss the initiative and referendum process in Arizona. In this assignment you should: 1.Provide the basic definitions of an initiative and a referendum. 2.Explain how initiatives and referendums are created  3.Compare and contrast an initiative and a referendum 4. Discuss the … Read more