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   Explain this statement : each three reason must have own paragraph and own explanation. I am against the death penalty because life in prison is a more appropriate punishment, sometimes innocent people get executed and it does not decrease the crime rate.

for brilliant answers only

Annotations: Use annotations APA format.  There are three basic sections in an annotation: 1) Summary, 2) source quality and justification, 3) Usefulness for the reader and application to the sports management field.  Be thorough, you will be graded on the thoroughness of the information, not on length. turn it in required! 


   Read Balswick, Fifth Edition, Part 7 (Post Modern Life, chapters 18-19) and answer the following questions.  1. What is “modernity” and why is it challenging? What is the meaning of “post-modern?” Pages 318-319 2. Define and summarize the four dimensions of sociocultural life. Pages 320-323 3. Explain the dilemma and false hopes associated with … Read more