Discussion Board

  Each of the chapters in our textbook provides a box titled Thinking Like a Clinician, in which a family case study is presented, followed by several question prompts geared towards skill application from the chapter/theory(ies).   For this week’s discussion, you may select the Thinking Like a Clinician activity from either Chapter 9 or … Read more

Psychology Homework

  Consider the following practice situation and the ethical issues present in the situation. Discussing the ethical concerns (citing the NASW Code of Ethics specific areas which apply), the steps you would take in ethical decision making, and the decision you would make in addressing each of the ethical concerns: Jan is the 16-year-old daughter … Read more

Discussion Board

 What are the differences between families and other social groups?  What is unique about the family?  What would be included in adopting a family relationship framework?  What benefits and obstacles do you see in using a family relationship framework perspective in practice?  

Discussion Board

      Think about a behavior (Stress Management) you have tried to change in the past or that you currently want to change. Write about your experience with this behavior change and describe how you can apply a Stages of Change perspective to your experience. What discussion is involved in the literature on your behavior? … Read more

Psychology Homework

 Describe your abstinence experience with Caffine (e.g., did the you succeed or fail, what influenced you, what was the process like for you, etc.) and will serve as the conclusion of your overall experience. Conclude with an explanation of how biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors contributed to your experience with abstaining from the particular substance … Read more

Psychology Homework

   Create a PowerPoint presentation outlining and identifying the following:  1. Identify your chosen social problem – Substance Abuse amongst adolescents 2. Your research question – Does the widespread use and dependency on drugs or alcohol, often cause personal and social harm amongst adolescents? 3. Evidence/Statistics supporting why this social issue is problematic (this will … Read more

Discussion Board

   Respond to the 2 topics below, making sure to explain the evidence that supports your position and what evidence might counter your position:   Underage Consumption: What do you know about policies in your community/state (Virginia) regarding the legal drinking age? What information can you find about policies responding to a minor being in … Read more

Discussion Board

   Consider all of the information you read (and viewed) regarding child welfare practice, information you gained and personal experiences and compare that to your experiences thus far this semester with your field practice.  Areas to consider should be:  1. Child welfare policies and laws 2. Agency policies 3. Client self-determination and ethical conflicts (cite … Read more

Discussion Board

  Listen to the experiences of NA Speaker Lisa G in this posted YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMLUzz0vP-M  . This moving story remind us of the impact of addictions on those around us.  Please listen to this story and process it in your discussion from the perspective of the impact of the addiction on the relationships within the … Read more

Discussion Board

   1. A summary of the education and practice experience of the social worker. 2. Tips for building expertise in that area of specialized practice. 3. Discussion of one ethical dilemma that social worker has faced in practice and how they resolved the dilemma. 4. How the social worker addresses and encourages diversity and difference … Read more