Community Policing On Juvenile   Analyze the listed ideas and discuss their relation to the United States Legal System. Reflect on how this subject matter may relate to your life and the life of others as well as popular culture in general.

Juvenile & Adult justice system

What are the major similarities and differences between the juvenile and adult justice systems? In your opinion, should juveniles continue to receive what many regard as preferential treatment by the courts? Why or why not?

Juvenile Treatment Approaches

Post by Day 4 a comparison (similarities and differences) between juvenile and adult offender treatment approaches and programs. Explain at least two similarities and two differences related to treatment approaches and treatment programs. Explain at least one conclusion you drew or insight you gained as a result of your comparison.  Resources: Please see chapters 4, … Read more


 Identify and describe at least two (2) landmark court decisions directly related to the way the criminal justice system must handle a juvenile offender. As part of your discussion, explain the key differences in how a juvenile offender is handled by the criminal justice system as opposed to an adult offender as a result of … Read more


 Several landmark Supreme Court rulings that address the way the criminal justice system interacts with juveniles were presented in the lesson this week. In your initial response, select the Supreme Court ruling that you believe had the biggest impact on the way law enforcement and courts deal with juvenile offenders. Begin by briefly explaining the … Read more


 The overall path juveniles and adults take through the criminal justice system follow very similar paths. However, along the way, there are unique differences in how juveniles must be handled by criminal justice personnel to ensure their rights are protected. 


 The Week 4 lesson in this course focused upon the influence of gender and family structure on decisions to participate in delinquency as a juvenile. This lesson highlighted some of the key factors that not only distinguish the likelihood of a male versus a female being a juvenile delinquent, but also the role of family … Read more


 The Week 2 and 3 lessons  focused on several theoretical explanations for understanding juvenile delinquency  and why it occurs. As highlighted in these lessons, the theoretical views can be categorized into the following groupings: (1) Individual causes; (2) Societal causes; (3) Social process; and (4) Social interaction. 

A 1

 Explain how prevalent delinquency is among adolescents. Be sure to include current, scholarly data to support your position. Next, be sure to identify and describe in detail which theory best explains juvenile delinquency from your perspective. Support each with current, scholarly research literature. 

Societal Influences on Juvenile Delinquency

 Criminologists have introduced a number of theories that attempt to explain why juveniles engage in acts of delinquency. Some of these theories focus on the social environment in which the juvenile resides while others believe the types of social interactions a juvenile has can influence their decision to engage in delinquency.