Jenkins 6
Discuss whether you think administrative law judges should be appointed for life like U.S. District Court judges. What are the considerations for and against lifetime appointment?
Discuss whether you think administrative law judges should be appointed for life like U.S. District Court judges. What are the considerations for and against lifetime appointment?
Qualitative research often brings the researcher face-to-face with those being researched. Discuss what type of issues the researcher can face and how they might deal with or keep the issues from developing?
Discuss each of the different type of validity as it applies to a measurement instrument such as the Perceived Stress Scale ( Discuss the face validity and the construct validity of this measure.
Module 2 Activity 3: Cruel and Unusual? Research Go back to the cruel and unusual definition wiki that you completed with your classmates. Look through the definitions and find the one with the most “same” comments that resonates most with your own perspective. This might be the definition that you wrote and it might not … Read more
In today’s world, there is a growing trend toward privatization of governmental services. What are some of the benefits and detriments of privatization? What is your position on privatization and why?
In this module, we considered the evaluation hierarchy in detail, including its logic and benefits. Mears illustrates how the different types of evaluation can be used to take stock of the state of criminal justice policy today, and how they can improve the accountability and effectiveness of the criminal justice system. In this week’s discussion, … Read more
After listening to these episodes, think about the question that you answered in your introduction: What is the role of the court system in our country today? Think about both the criminal and civil court systems, policy, the roles of the various people involved in the court system, and your own personal experiences. The US … Read more
TNA Board Law Firm provides a wide range of legal services, including corporate law, personal legal matters, contract disputes, and specialized legal guidance. Their experienced team of lawyers offers tailored legal solutions to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring professional representation and support in various legal challenges.
Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Describe the components of the United States justice system and how they are interrelated Explain how various types of communication skills are utilized by sworn and civilian criminal justice professionals Scenario You are a community outreach coordinator at your local law … Read more
David Kennedy, professor at the John Jay School of Criminal Justice in New York, wrote: “In most cities there is a population of very high-rate, low-level repeat offenders. There’s a heavy overlap between these folks, and drug and alcohol problems, [and] mental illness. If what we were doing was working, they would not be … Read more