Death Penalty

 Please discuss why you favor or disapprove of the use of the death penalty and your reasons for your decisions. You should back up you position with facts from your text and any other sources 

Should the presence of skin cells at a crime scene or on a victim’s body be a sufficient basis for DNA evidence alone to lead to a criminal conviction?

Should the presence of skin cells at a crime scene or on a victim’s body be a sufficient basis for DNA evidence alone to lead to a criminal conviction? What if someone has a skin condition involving shedding skin cells, such as psoriasis, and a crime victim picked up those cells unknowingly from riding in … Read more


After a shooting incident at another high school, the administrators at Riverdale High decided to conduct a sweep of all school lockers. They believe that the student profile and neighborhood of their school are similar to those where the shootings took place. There is, therefore, a possibility that a similar crime might occur. The school … Read more

Identification, Collection, and Preservation of Evidence

  Evidence can be grouped into categories involving the same color, size, model, brand, caliber, patterns, and other various descriptives. These items of evidence fall into groups of evidence having class characteristics, which display similarities but do not identify them as a match conclusively. Items that match conclusively indicate that a certain item of evidence … Read more


Sean Bell, a 23-year-old African-American, and two other friends were leaving Bell’s bachelor party at a strip club on November 25, 2006, when they were shot by a group of undercover detectives who had been monitoring the club. More than 50 shots were fired at the car containing the three men. Research the circumstances of … Read more

hasbro v. internet

  In the case of Hasbro, Inc. v. Internet Entertainment Group, Ltd., Hasbro, Inc., the maker of Candyland, owns the Candyland trademark.  Brian Cartmell and the Internet Entertainment Group (IEG), Lt., used “” as a domain name for a sexually explicit internet site.  Any person who performed an online search for “candyland” was directed to … Read more


Two officers were walking in a neighborhood known for high volumes of drug deals. They came across the car of an individual whom they had arrested two years prior for drug dealing. The car was parked on a curb in front of a residence. One officer peeked inside the car, the other walked down the … Read more


  You represent a dentist who is accused of performing an unnecessary root canal which went bad, resulting in the patient losing the tooth and having to get an implant.  During settlement discussions, the dentist tells you he wants you to use certain information he claims he gleaned from the patient while he was under … Read more