Which characteristic of charisma do you think best describes you? Find a current and well-known leader that seems to have the similar aspects of charisma that you see in yourself. In what other ways are you similar to that leader? How are you different? How do they “use” their charisma to make things happen? Is … Read more


As a professional, what value does goal setting and continuous learning have on the success of the organization? Support your response with professional experience and research.


 In the workplace, we often are confronted with the reality that our leader possesses qualities or traits that we don’t admire. These can be simply annoying habits or quirks, or they may be styles, traits, or approaches that fundamentally deviate from our own. Although others may tell you that you could always quit or work … Read more

Leadership style

Explore the generational differences (beginning with the traditionalists/silent generation moving forward) between the leadership styles, ethical practices, and workplace expectations of these groups. Discuss your findings. 


Beyond face work and conflict, what other possible communication difficulties do you perceive (e.g., use of slang and lack of “code-switching,” level of formality, value conflicts, or other things we have discussed this semester)? If you were a consultant to The European Union, the International Committee of the Red Cross or United Nations, what recommendations … Read more


There is often a drive for consumers of a country to buy only from that country out of a sense of patriotism. How would the world be different if companies also took a policy only to sell, bank, and invest in their own countries?


Is having or subscribing to a specific identity always important to you? Do you think others see identity in a positive light? Do peple ever see you in terms of an identity you don’t claim at the moment or see a particular identity you hold differently than you do (even if they are in your group)?


The angry mother… Devon returned home from his 5th grade class with his report card. His mother, Brenda Washington, became very upset. In her middle-class suburb, she was close to several of her neighbors—parents of Devon’s friends. They frequently compared notes on their children’s progress, and she knew that Devon was doing as well as … Read more

discussion 504 3

  Dennis Hightower is given three months to develop a strategy that would unite Disney heads in Europe, demonstrate innovation, and produce growth throughout Disney Europe. Hightower is expected to knit together a federation of independent country operations and create an effective center linking local subsidiaries to the center. The process would be complex and … Read more