Transportation – Project 8

  You have recently been appointed as the Transport Director for your chosen company. You discover, on starting your new role, that transport and routing is planned on a variety of independent spreadsheets. You strongly believe that the implementation of latest routing and scheduling software would reduce transport and distribution costs by about 10-15%. (Intro/ … Read more


   Submit the research proposal for your research paper.  Research Proposal should include: 1) The name of the targeted company or organization, 2) The brief description of the targeted company or organization, 3) The reasons why you choose that company or organization. Length: 1-2 pages  Free format. Research Paper: Research any cases that a company … Read more

Research Project OUTLINE

Each person should prepare and post a 2-page (double-spaced) outline of your research project report.  Title page: Should contain the title of the project, name, and a table of contents. Page 1 and 2 Should provide an overview of your research project that addresses the following points: What is your research project on? Why is … Read more

Discussion 7

 Lesson 07 – Discussion Most medical specialty groups historically have relied on primary care physician practices for referrals.  At a recent society meeting, the senior partner returned with a renewed perspective in terms of looking at the customer base of referrers. “We need to develop relationships with these practices rather than view them as individual … Read more


   1) why incumbent firms often pursue incremental innovations. *Read the article “apple Inc” by David B. Yoffie and Eric Balwin, then answer these questions:  2) How sustainable is Apple’s position in the PC industry going forward? 3) How sustainable is Apple’s position in the new product markets entered since the late 1990’s

Week 08-09, Online Discussion Forum: The Discipline of Teams

Please read the following Harvard Business Review article :  !!!!!(I have attached the article as a PDF as well. Please only complete the assignment using only the article attached.)!!!!!!!!! The Discipline of Teams by Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith Harvard Business Review, JULY-AUGUST 2005   Please, answer for your INITIAL posting and discuss … Read more