Financial Management

 For this unit, select a business that is currently operating in the country within which you reside. Then, go to the webpage The World Factbook to research and select a country for international expansion of business operations. Prepare a document that addresses the items listed below. Discuss your chosen business, and explain why it was … Read more

Project management

Week 1 Activity – Introduction to Project Management Tools Overview The purpose of this activity is to expose you to the Microsoft Project tool for the purpose of developing a project plan and Gantt chart for a hypothetical 30-day hobby project of your choice. Examples include building a deck, painting the garage, or planting a … Read more

Peer Response

Peer 1  Conducting a survey within any organization is an essential examination and analysis process that provides insight into target markets, specific techniques and or data to make business decisions (Hiyari, 2021). Defining the population for a study involves two separate decisions: what unit to study, and the boundaries of the population (Displayr, n.d.). Commonly … Read more

WSJ Article 3

Read a WSJ (Wall Street Journal) article that reports on a topic related to corporate social responsibility. Succinctly, write a critique of the article in this discussion forum. The approximate length of a discussion forum response should be about 200 words, 20 lines. Succinctly summarize the article that you have selected. Write about the impact … Read more

Discussion Board 4

Please answer these two questions from Chapters 4 and 5: Explain three relationship traps and how to avoid each. List five of the forces that influence B2B customers’ purchasing behavior. Are these the same for consumers?  If there is a difference, explain why you think it exists. The book has been uploaded along with the … Read more

CRM Case Study: From Students to Alumni: Implementing CRM to Build Lifelong Relationships at HEC Montreal

  CRM Case Study: From Students to Alumni: Implementing CRM to Build Lifelong Relationships at HEC Montreal These materials are available through the HBR link. The CRM Case Study has three parts (A, B and C).  Your written submission will be based on parts A & B. Part C will be our follow-up discussion in … Read more