
Module 5   evaluate the “Corporate-Level Strategy” and provide your analysis by answering the following questions: Provide brief complete analysis of different levels of diversification that a firm can pursue by using different corporate-level strategies.  What are the three reasons firms choose to diversify their operations? Please support your discussion by sharing real industry examples. 

PMP1 – Activity3

In conventional business and government megaprojects–such as hydroelectric dams, chemical-processing plants, or big-bang enterprise-resource-planning systems–the standard approach is to build something monolithic and customized. Such projects must be 100% complete before they can deliver benefits: Even when it’s 95% complete, a nuclear reactor is of no use. On the basis of 30 years of research … Read more

300 word Discussion

“Unbossing” companies by reinventing outdated management hierarchies is the key to leadership success, according to one chief executive. Speaking at the One Young World conference in London on Friday, Vasant Narasimhan, CEO of pharmaceutical giant Novartis, described himself as an “accidental CEO,” and emphasized that leadership still carried huge importance. Your thoughts?

Deliverable 7 – Strategic Management PowerPoint

Deliverable 7 – Strategic Management PowerPoint Assignment Content Competency Examine the nature and functions of strategic management. Apply strategic management processes to analyze and improve organizational performance. Formulate strategies based on an external and environmental analysis. Apply the principles of strategic planning to construct strategic management plans for organizations. Evaluate the integration of strategic management … Read more

Deliverable 6 – PowerPoint Presentation on Leadership

Deliverable 6 – PowerPoint Presentation on Leadership Assignment Content Competency Examine internal effectiveness and resources, and how they impact organizational strategies. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane. Instructions Your boss has … Read more


  You are a staff member in the finance department at Nouveau Health, whose sole responsibility is to advance the success of the organization through assisting in planning, forecasting, and finance management. The chief executive officer (CEO) of Krona has asked that you complete the following in 400 words and cite references  Explain how revenue … Read more