
  You are a staff member in the finance department at Nouveau Health, whose sole responsibility is to advance the success of the organization through assisting in planning, forecasting, and finance management. The chief executive officer (CEO) of Krona has asked that you complete the following in 400 words and cite references  Explain how revenue … Read more


Go to the National Hurricane Center’s page This is the ‘official’ page for information regarding any active storm. After you have thoroughly reviewed the contents of this site, answer these questions: 1. Overall, how would you assess the effectiveness of the NHS info for EM Professionals?  2. Given your answer for question 1, how effective … Read more

PMP1 – Scope Creep

  Scope Creep Discuss ways in which scope creep occurred on projects with which you have been associated.  Was the project manager able to reverse scope creep? Is it possible to reverse scope creep and what is the impact? How do you identify scope creep? APA format, 500 words

Classroom Management Plan Components

  Communication with Families – Write a 250-500 word email to the families of your future students in which you introduce yourself. Include your professional background and provide a brief overview of your teaching philosophy. Identify three ways you will communicate with the families to establish open communication. Explain why it is important to maintain … Read more