
  View the video “Organizational Culture” by Edgar Schein (10:50 mins) at: After viewing the video, address the following in your discussion post: What are the three competing approaches of organizational culture and how are they defined? According to Schein, describe the formal definition of culture. Based on the video content, are there any suggestions … Read more


  Understanding what motivates employees is a key piece of management and a successful company. In the reading for this week, you reviewed motivation theories and rewards to help motivate employees. Answer the following questions for this discussion. 1. Choose one motivation theory from your readings and explain why you believe the theory could be … Read more


  n our work roles, it is important to understand how others perceive us. As a manager or leader, your team may perceive you in an entirely different way than you view yourself. To help you understand how others perceive you, interview two people in your life to find out about how your are perceived. … Read more


  Review the link on “Informational Interviews” and the importance of networking at: How an Informational Interview Can Boost Your Career ( In your discussion post address the following: From the readings, what networking events might you believe to be beneficial based on your career goals/profession? Why? Have you attended career/industry events in the past? … Read more


 Prepare a professional PowerPoint presentation (PPT) summarizing your research    topic  research and compare three different business analytics tools. Present a business case in which you determine the tools that are the best fit for the business. Justify your reasoning and selection criteria 7-8 slides


  Review the article Ask These 8 Questions To Understand A Company’s Culture  and then ask the questions below about the Organizational Culture in your internship work experience.  After reading the article, address the following in your discussion post: What adjectives would you use to describe your work culture? What was the biggest adjustment for … Read more


 View the video “Creative Thinking-How to get out of the box and Generate Ideas” by Giovanni Corazza at TEDxRoma”(13:37 mins).    After viewing the video, address the following in your discussion post: How are creativity and innovation defined? How are people defined in those roles? Which do you believe is of greater value to a … Read more


  While technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, it is often said that technology can help a business create a competitive advantage. However, if everyone is implementing the same technologies (i.e., cloud services like servers, file storage, virtualization, data management, etc.), does technology really provide a competitive advantage? Review the following brief article … Read more


  , review the following two articles: On internet privacy, be very afraid What is internet privacy and why it matters so much Based on the information presented in these two articles, develop a brief 2-3 slide presentation addressing ethics and privacy in today’s technological world. Address ethics and privacy for individuals, social groups (i.e., … Read more


  Part of what makes a business successful is to look at internal and external forces, processes, activities, personnel and strategy to see how things are going. Often this evaluation is done through conducting a SWOT analysis.  Create a SWOT analysis for your internship site. Use this link SWOT.xlsx.   Use this link to review … Read more