dis #1

  Most Americans share the same values, but most also think people on the other side of the political spectrum do not share those same values.  Read this article and respond to all of the following questions using complete sentences:  https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2023-06-14/democrats-and-republicans-share-core-values-but-still-distrust-each-other Label your paragraphs with 1, 2 and 3 to make it easier for me … Read more


 if you were a choreographer, and you had to create a dance, what is one theme, topic, issue, or story that you would like to choreograph about? Be specific. Hint: The theme or topic of a dance is NOT the same as it’s genre or style. (2 points) Now look online (Youtube, Vimeo, etc.) and … Read more


Chapter Three  Have you ever seen anyone dance who you would consider to be an outstanding performer? What was so special about that person and what made you feel this way about them? (2 points) Include a youtube clip (Title and URL) of your favorite performer that exemplifies their outstanding performing qualities and tell me … Read more


  A. FIRST STEP – create a post to reply to question 1 and question 2: Briefly discuss why companies use customer loyalty programs. Do an internet search for two companies that have loyalty programs.  Discuss the companies and what you found in your search.  What makes these companies’ loyalty programs attractive to customers?


  A. PART A – create a post to reply to question 1 and 2: Go to this website: LinkLinks to an external site. (http://www.mouseprint.org/2016/08/22/lowes-pulls-misleading-tv-ad-after-we-cry-foul/Links to an external site.).  Watch the short Lowe’s video commercial.  Then scroll down and look at the two Lowe’s print ads, and read what happened with their advertising.  1. Did you find the … Read more


   We’ve discussed author’s purpose, we’ve found and discussed the use of literary elements, and we’ve identified themes.  We don’t want to lose sight, though, of the fun of reading, the joy and emotion importance of literature. 

dis #4

  Discussion 4 – Persuasive SpeakingAligns to SLO 3 Watch the following video, “Sample Persuasive Presentation” (9:11 mins; cc): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuC91OLRjlULinks to an external site. Then, reply to the Discussion to answer the following: IMPORTANT: You must FIRST create a post to reply to question 1 and question 2.  After you have replied to question 1 and … Read more

wk 6

  Aligns to SLO 1 IMPORTANT: You must FIRST create a post to reply to question 1 and 2.  After you have replied to question 1 and 2, you will then be able to see your classmates’ responses.  You will then create a SECOND post to address question 3, where you respond to two of your … Read more


   · Read and review the Lesson notes below on “The Fiction Essa” · Read and review the guide and resources included below · Select a story or poem assigned for this class on which to write · Create an outline according to the essa assignment specifications (optional, but recommended · Complete and submit a … Read more


   For this thesis practice, choose a short story we’ve read during this unit and consider its use of narration Some questions to help guide your answer: 1. What purpose does the narrative structure serve? 2. Does the story have an reliable/unreliable narrator? 3. How do you know (how will you support yourself)? FULL INSTRUCTIONS IN … Read more