week7 re

  Consider the following questions as you watch your peers’ presentations: Did the presentation include strong evidence to influence practice change? Was the presentation organized, clear, and easy to follow? Was the presentation delivery professional with appropriate video and sound quality? Did the presenter appear to be prepared with the use of clear speech and … Read more

week 7

  Upload your Dissemination of Evidence Video Presentation to the discussion board. Use supportive evidence from the assigned reading in the course textbook to share one way that you as a nurse scholar can disseminate your work to enhance clinical practice. Use supportive evidence from the assigned reading in the course textbook to discuss two … Read more

Advanced Pathophysiology Analysis

Evaluate the concepts of cellular biology and altered cellular and  tissue biology for their implications to disease management (EOPSLO# 1).       Distinguish knowledge of normal physiology and pathologic  alterations across the lifespan that are expressed as diseases of organs  and systems (EOPSLO# 1, 9).      Analyze current research findings with evidence-based guidelines for  the management of selected … Read more

Module 4 Concept Map

Read Chapter 5 – The Health Care Delivery System in The Future of the Public’s Health in the 21st CenturyLinks to an external site. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK221227/ Download the Concept Map Actions and fill in the six concepts that you found are important to provide equitable healthcare services. (No handwritten assignment will be accepted).

Advanced Pathophysiology Analysis

Evaluate      the concepts of cellular biology and altered cellular and tissue biology      for their implications to disease management.  Distinguish      knowledge of normal physiology and pathologic alterations across the      lifespan that are expressed as diseases of organs and systems   Analyze      current research findings with evidence-based guidelines for the      management of selected diseases      


  Refer to the assigned readings and identify one nursing theory that might be a foundation for your nursing practice. Explain how this theory could be used in research. Select one article from the assigned reading under Articles for Discussion and State which article you have selected and discuss the ethical principle that was violated. … Read more

week 4

  Identify a nurse-driven topic of interest related to a current challenge in nursing or your workplace and explain why it is a nursing problem. This topic will be used to complete the remainder course assignments. Be sure to review any feedback from the faculty this week posted on the discussion board. Evidence-based practice uses … Read more


I have attached the work sheet and what we covered this week  Knewton  Week 3: Measures of Central TendencyJan 2610 pts Week 3: Understanding Measures of Central TendencyJan 2610 pts Week 3: Distribution ShapeJan 2610 pts Week 3: Standard DeviationJan 2610 pts Week 3: Quartiles and Box PlotsJan 2610 pts

week 3

  Use the Galen library database to find one primary qualitative research article on any nursing topic recently published this year in a nursing journal. Read the article and in one paragraph (7 to 8 sentences) provide a rapid critical appraisal by answering the following questions. Support your response by citing and referencing the research … Read more

Week2 re

#1 I will be appraising the article titled COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness of booster doses against delta and omicron variants over follow-up times using longitudinal meta-analysis. The study design is a longitudinal meta-analysis as it follows and analyzes data over a period of time. Introduction to quantitative research states, “Longitudinal designs gather data about subjects at … Read more