Discussion – nursing

  Define ageism. Describe worldwide ageism in at least two different countries/people groups. Describe ageism in at least two separate age groups (nationally or internationally).   Apply the guidelines in the rubric by using at least one current peer-reviewed journal and one of the required course textbooks to address the question fully. 

Nursing homework

How did the patient acquire the disease? What were the barriers in the community that caused the patient to become ill. (Please describe in detail and add supporting data.) What PPE equipment should have been used before being admitted to the hospital? What PPE equipment was used in the hospital and was it appropriate? As … Read more

assessment 21

For this assessment, you will create a 5-10 minute video reflection that addresses either an interprofessional collaboration you experienced or a collaboration case study scenario that you imagine you experienced.

Help with discussion reply #2

Nice explanation of the Chief Complaint app. I like that you noted what it is intended for and that there is harm if used incorrectly. My question is what do you as a practitioner tell a patient who says they used to app to make a diagnosis for themselves?  The app is The Chief Complaint … Read more

Help with discussion reply #1

Name of the app: The Chief Complaint Author: Written by Dr. Chris Feier, MD, and developed by ESCAVO Inc Endorsement: The app does not specify whether it is FDA-approved. The app is developed by ESCAVO Inc., a recognized developer of mHealth applications; however, there appear to be no government endorsements. Reviews in the app store … Read more

help with discussion

The App is  MDCalc Application of Course Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail. Name of the app: Identify the name of the app. Author: Describe who created, developed, or maintains the app. Endorsement: Identify whether the app is licensed by the Food and Drug Administration, another government agency, or endorsed by an academic institution or medical … Read more

assessment 3

   Whether you are a nurse, a public health professional, a health care administrator, or in another role in the health care field, you must base your decisions on a set of ethical principles and values. Your decisions must be fair, equitable, and defensible. Each discipline has established a professional code of ethics to guide … Read more

Week 5 Discussion-Community

Select one of the following discussion questions below. Post a substantive initial response with references.  Option 1:  Locate and read an article pertaining to Race/Ethnicity as a Determinant of Health. Post a link to the article and summarize the findings for your peers. Option 2: To create a family health history, visit the My Family … Read more

Nursing homework

Initials Response After each visit, Nurse Andrea has meetings with the managers of both organizations. What are the 3 main concerns that Nurse Andrea would address at the Day Care and Seafood Restaurant?  Can you describe a potential cause of the diarrhea outbreak for the restaurant? What recommendations should be provided to both managers?

Nursing homework

Why did you choose to read this story? What was the nursing impact of the story? What are the benefits and disadvantages of the related topic?> Discuss further nursing recommendations for the related topic?