Discussion board

 Review the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer   Words limit is 400 words. Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA format) for your work.     Include your opinion about holistic and allopathic care. See this LINK for Complementary and Alternative Medicine   Home – Complementary and Alternative … Read more

Interoperability Project Plan

This assignment is the 5 page, in which you will formulate findings, conclusions, and recommendations in relation to the Electronic Health Record (EHR) INTEROPERABILITY you are examining.  This assignment will include the following:  Title: The title should include the name of your project and should follow the Uniform-Guidelines format. Introduction: The introduction includes the purpose … Read more

Discussion board

  Identify some of the social, ethical, and economic reasons for addressing immigration policy reform. The discussion must address the topic. Rationale must be provided 350 words in your initial post by Monday Minimum of two scholarly references in APA format within the last five years published

NUR 3178 – DB #3 Reflexology

After reading the articles on Reflexology, and viewing the videos on Reflexology, Take a field trip in your neighborhood and answer the following questions: Describe the number of reflexology clinics that are available. Explain the relationship of reflexology to natural body systems and their functions. Describe how reflexology can be used in: health restoration, health promotion and illness … Read more


You are about to perform a rectal examination of an older adult. What are the steps to examine this patient? Explain your rationale. What are some findings you can have while assessing the rectal sphincter? Describe the differences during the rectal examination of acute prostatitis and benign prostatic hypertrophy. What findings would expect on physical … Read more

Nursing theory supports the nursing practice

Provide three evidence‐based examples that demonstrate how the nursing theory supports the nursing practice. Provide support and rationale for each:   Three evidence-based examples are provided. The examples are relevant and clearly demonstrate how the nursing theory supports the nursing practice. Strong rationale and evidence are offered that demonstrate support for each example.  

Reply to a discussion board

Reply to classmate post:   (Word Limit for response: 250 words).   Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA format) for your work.   Classmate post:  According to Medline Plus (2019), as many as 1 in 3 adults in the US suffer from high blood pressure. Many people suffering from hypertension do … Read more