Environmental Awareness

Power point on Illinois, Lake County. helpful resources: “Larsson, L., Butterfield, P., Christopher, S. & Hill , W. (2006). Rural community leaders’ perceptions of environmental health risks (Links to an external site.). AAOHN Journal54(3), 105-111.  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Links to an external site.) – Use the resources on this site to gain greater understanding of the environmental variables … Read more


  Write a one page analysis of the document provided here following the steps of the writing process, as well as showing the thesis of the article, the main points that support that thesis, and your own response and reaction to the author’s point of view and how it is presented. Do this in complete paragraphs using … Read more


  Compose a single body descriptive paragraph in formal written English. Be sure to include the following: Topic sentence that provides the main idea for the descriptive paragraph. Body sentences that discuss the main idea for the descriptive paragraph using explanation, examples, details, and of course, descriptive elements. Transition sentence: Your descriptive paragraph must include the use … Read more


  How would you characterize (explain) the main differences between these two, the Right to Life( PRO-LIFE) vs The Principle of Individual Freedom(PRO-CHOICE), different points of view? Under present law Roe vs Wade decision, a human being is not considered a “PERSON” until after it is born, given our genetic scientific knowledge today, does this … Read more

Topic 2 DQ 1

 Assessment Description Define critical thinking and evidence-based practice. Discuss what critical thinking in nursing practice entails and explain why it is important. Discuss the role of critical thinking and evidence-based practice as they relate to patient outcomes. APA Format  Min 2 resources 

Public Perception

Respond to peer 1 and peer 2 post separately (responses are attached) . Topic: Describe how the nursing profession is viewed by the general public. Discuss factors that influence the public’s perception of nursing? Describe ways to educate the general public on the professional nurse’s role and scope of nursing within a changing health care … Read more

Chapter 6 – Assignment

Chapter 6 – Assignment Scenario – Mary Smith has just reported for duty and is reviewing the patients she will have during the evening shift. One of them, Ida Monroe, is on isolation for an infectious disease. Dr. Jerome comes into the nursing station around 9:00 P.M. after making hospital rounds to see his patients. … Read more

Art 1

 How art was understood, appreciated, and shared historically, both by artists and the general public,How the discovery and appreciation of art has changed due to advances in technology,How social and political happenings have influenced artists….. Read Which Is the Most Influential Work of Art Of the Last 100 Years  as a guide 

Art 5

  Write a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document for each work of art that includes the question and answer. The Q&A must be filled out completely for Artwork #1-4. Questions could be regarding the media being used, why the work is significant, history of the work/artist, etc. Answers should not be “yes” or “no” responses, … Read more