Race and Ethnicity 5.1

 In thinking about the readings and videos presented in the unit, why do you think Latinos/Hispanics became and still remain targets of racists?  Please research and discuss three (3) reasons in detail and include in your discussion the role of white supremacy.  

Prisoner Right 5.2

 In the 1990s an inmate that was HIV-positive had it noted in their medical file. By court order, these notes had to be removed to protect the inmates’ rights. If a correctional staff member had a potential exposure they would not know if the inmate was HIV-positive or not. Should the staff member have a … Read more

Prisoner Right 5.1

 The prison system can transfer an inmate at any time they want. With this said, how can an inmate have a fair disciplinary trial/hearing if they cannot call witnesses if they are in a different prison? How do you suggest that this issue is handled? Be specific with solutions. 

Race and Ethnicity 4.3

 After reviewing the videos about Indigenous Peoples as mascots, Halloween costumes, and cultural appropriation, argue for or against the use of mascots, Halloween costumes, and other processes culturally appropriated from Indigenous Peoples. In your discussion, be sure to include elements of prejudice, discrimination, assimilation, and racism.  

Race and Ethnicity 4.1

  Review the First Nations website from the Readings and Resources and select one of the following programs provided:  Nourishing Native Foods and Health, Advancing Household and Community Asset-Building Strategies Strengthening Tribal and Community Institutions, Investing in Youth, or Achieve Native Financial Empowerment.   After choosing a program, in your initial post, provide an overview of … Read more

Prisoner Right 4.2

 Every prison has one or more inmates that have a working knowledge of the law. They are called Jailhouse Lawyers. They are restricted in some items that they are allowed to do. They cannot be paid, have access to some legal material and cannot represent their “client” in court. Do you think that they should … Read more

Prisoner Right 4.1

 Certain religions have specific dietary requirements. Do you think the prisons should have to fulfill these specific requirements or have general ones that cover the dietary need of these inmates due to their religious beliefs? Support your viewpoint. 

Race and Ethnicity 3.2

 Find two news stories that highlight two separate issues African American experience today. In your discussion, please make sure you are detailed by clearly identifying each issue. How does your story highlight an issue that African Americans experience? Explain why you think this is an issue that African Americans experience.   

Prisoner Right 3.2

 At times inmates are put into solitary confinement (The Hole) for long periods of time. Do you believe that there should be a time period that someone should be put into The Hole? How long and why do you think this? Are there certain cases that you believe that a person should be put in … Read more

Prisoner Right 3.1

 In many institutions, pornographic material and magazines dealing with weapons, hunting, and other types of violence are banned from delivery through the mail to inmates. Do you think this is a violation of their rights? Why or why not.