You are the chief of a large city agency. Your department is working with the Federal government through the Secure Communities program. Your city has been declared a “sanctuary” city and has developed a policy stating that it will not enforce immigration laws, but welcomes illegal aliens. What will be your response to your agency … Read more

Human Trafficking 7

 After learning about some of the possible solutions to prevent human trafficking, identify what you believe to be the three most effective solutions, and offer one new solution to this problem 


 Describe at least two major technology tools used by the police. Discuss whether you think these tools are effective. Why or why not?  Discuss the different viewpoints with your learning colleagues. 


 Community-oriented policing is an approach toward crime that addresses the underlying causes of crime and endeavors to apply long-term problem solving to the issues through improved police-community partnerships and communication. How is this possible when the average tenure of a police chief is just over three years? Will top management changes derail long-term partnerships? What … Read more


 Discuss antibullying efforts in your community. What has been done? Do these efforts infringe on the First Amendment rights of either party? Why or why not? Support your opinion. 

introduction to law 5

 Entrapment is a major concern in vice operations. What steps can undercover operatives take to avoid being accused of it? Do you think the whole concept is entrapment? why or why not? Explain your position and support it. 

Human Trafficking 4

 When thinking about countries who do not comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of human trafficking, what should the International community? What sanctions can be put into place against these countries? 

Human Trafficking 3

 After reviewing some of the Laws, Treaties, and Acts enacted to stop human trafficking, how are local (municipal) police departments are proactive or reactive in combating human trafficking and any or all of its associated crimes (trafficking, exploitation, forced labor, fraud, etc.)? 

Introduction to Law Enforcement 3

 You are a police officer and just came upon a single-car accident at 3:00 AM in the morning, in a rural area with no houses, no witnesses, etc.  The accident was caused because the operator (alone in the car) was drunk.  As you approach him, he is conscious, uninjured and you realize he is an … Read more

introduction to law 2

 You are asked in your oral interview if you would report your field training officer, a 20-year veteran, for taking a candy bar from the local mini-mart during a late-night security check. The mini-mart clerk said nothing to the officer when he left. What would you do? Explain why and support your actions.