power point slids

  To Prepare: Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency. Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation. The Assignment: (8- to 9-slide PowerPoint presentation) Develop a 8- to 9-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following: Describe the differences … Read more

Professional Development Presentation

  Using any video recording device and online video program of your choice, design and create a 5-7 minute professional development video promoting effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning in the school environment. Select a lesson plan of your choice to model incorporating technology into the classroom. Have your principal mentor, another … Read more

Transitioning to Parenting Presentation

  In this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation elaborating on factors associated with the acquisition of self regulation: (i.e., parental modeling, labeling emotions, learning coping strategies, and emotional climate of the family).  Explain the transition into parenting for parents of newborns. Explain the transition into parenting for parents of preschool-age children. Explain the role of … Read more

Article Presentation

Article: https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/summer2019/pages/does-incentive-pay-work.aspx You must cite your references using APA 7. A PowerPoint must accompany the presentation. Your presentation must address the following: Summarize the article What was the problem/situation? What was the issue? Who was involved? What was their role and responsibilities? How was the problem addressed or resolved? How does the article relate to … Read more