DP 8-2

Compare the legal definition of insanity with the psychological concept of mentally ill. What guiding principles and tools are used by psychologists to determine if a client meets or does not meet the legal definition of insanity? What are the limitations of these methods?

DP 8-1

Ethical issues can arise between psychology and the legal system. What are some examples of ethical issues arising between these two entities? Use examples from this week’s required readings to support your claims. Consider the Christian principles of ethics and read the GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work. How might a person … Read more


Collaborate & Research: Theories of Aggression Evaluation Title: Final Project You will complete a PowerPoint presentation (8-10 slides). The topic is aggression. It is a requirement to use the Speaker Notes Function in PowerPoint. In addition to the Speaker Notes, please use the Narration Feature. Although you are not presenting this live, the Narration Feature … Read more

Attitudes & Behaviors Article Reviews

  A good article review will include the following: A ½ page (minimum) review of the main ideas the article discusses and A ½ page (minimum) personal reflection on the article consisting of your personal opinions, thoughts, and/or experiences related to the topic Your complete assignment will be 1 page per article, 2 pages total. … Read more


Psychological Disorders Instructions Choose one of the psychological disorders discussed this week and answer the following questions: Briefly describe the criteria that qualify it as a disorder. What kinds of medical treatment(s) are recommended for this disorder? Discuss the cultural views of this disorder (any stigma or societal views?). Now that you have an understanding … Read more