dp 4-1

Describe three to five different ways in which a psychologist may achieve or maintain competence in a specific area of practice. Does supervision play a role in any of the ways you described? Explain.


Recognize: Postive/Negative Reinforcements and Punishments Evaluation Title: Operant Conditioning The table below provides the four kinds of operant conditioning as they apply to dog training.   After reviewing these examples, create two examples from each category but apply them to human behavior.  You will provide 2 examples of positive reinforcement; 2 examples of negative reinforcement; 2 … Read more


Learning/Consciousness/Sleep Instructions Review the material on the 5 stages of sleep cycles. After reviewing the material, respond to the following questions: What are the 5 stages? Which stage is associated with learning and memory? Describe a personal experience that relates to any of these 5 stages? How were you impacted either positively or negatively? Please be sure … Read more


First, choose your favorite sense (vision, hearing, touch, taste, smell). Write a one page double-spaced, 12 point font paper answering the following questions: What are the parts of this sensory system (example: smell has olfactory bulbs; vision includes the retina and rods and cones)? What is the absolute threshold for the sense you chose? Why did … Read more

6530 WK4 Assgn

Application: Process Recordings A process recording is a written tool field education experience students, field instructors, and faculty use to examine the dynamics of social work interactions in time. Process recordings can help in developing and refining interviewing and intervention skills. By conceptualizing and organizing ongoing activities with social work clients, you are able to … Read more


Given your review and understanding of McAdams and Pals’s articulation of A New Big Five, map a personality across the dimensions of dispositional traits, characteristic adaptation, context and a life story telling [note evolutionary design is NOT included].   The ‘big five’ of the individul is determined by you, as is the context that the individual … Read more

Psychology disccusion

Biopsychology/Sensation and Perception Instructions Take a moment to review the parts of the brain and respond to the following questions: Which part of the brain is responsible for problem-solving? Which part of the brain is responsible for processing memories? Which part of the brain processes emotion? What is the most unusual concept about sensation and perception … Read more

critical thinking

Choose one of the two provided topics. Right to Die Goligher, E. C., Cigolini, M., Cormier, A., Donnelly, S., Ferrier, C., Gorshkov-Cantacuzène, V. A., … Quinlan, J. (2019). Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are unethical acts. World Medical Journal, 65(1), 34–37. Retrieved from https://search-ebscohost-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=136957959&site=ehost-live&scope=site Calabrò, R. S., Naro, A., De Luca, R., Russo, M., Caccamo, L., Manuli, … Read more

dp 3-1

Discuss some practical ways that you practice self-care. How do your practices align with practical guidelines for self-care recommended by other psychologists? What are some risks associated with NOT practicing self-care?